We’ve got three groups hunting here, today. There is a big 14 point Buck that they’re all drooling over.
Not sure who I’m rooting for - though we just got 1/4 beef that completely filled up the last freezer, so I could live without MORE meat!
We have a Holstein/Angus cross (Oops...somebody jumped the fence!) steer being dropped off next week to raise for next year’s beef. I hope he’s not too cute - though you know he will be. :(
I remember seeing Holstein beef for sale occasionally in the Twin Cities.
Fortunately, it was labeled as such.
Every year or so, Wisconsin and Minnesota dairy farmers would cull the milk cows in their care. One butcher shop guy suggested if “you want real beef, drive down to Iowa...”
My niece got two Holstein/Angus cross calves from a neighboring dairy this spring for next year - look like Angus, all black. They were really cute - she had to bottle feed them for a couple of weeks since they were only a week old when they arrived. The “cuteness” has worn off - she got them halter ‘broken’ (ha!) while they were little so when the vet comes, they are semi-manageable, but they have no concept of ‘personal space’ & will run you right over if you have sweet feed for them. They’re totally grass fed, but she’ll call them & give them a handful of sweet feed as a reward - they come at a gallop when called :-) Family members, including me, have been promised some meat (her family cannot eat 2 steers). We’ll pay her for it, but I’m sure it will be less expensive & better quality than anything from the grocery stores. There is a local farm where I have gotten produce, but they are either super low or out of product due to issues with getting meat processed. Several months ago, they said the processors were booked into next year .... needed to make arrangements THIS year for next.
Talk about cute. A few years back we had a young brown Swiss covered in curly hair in the beef barn at Fair. All I wanted to do is hug him and ruffle his hair. His back was about waist high. What a cutie.