Re CNN for sale:
Perhaps the owners of CNN are trying to get out before this is proved:
:: Re CNN for sale: ::
If only that Jim weren’t running a beg-a-thon.
We’d by it like Newsweak!
Redpill ammo:
Jerry “Spongebob Fullpants” Nadler exemplifies the gaslighting of American voters. If they’ll lie in our faces about this, when there are so many videos and victims and arrest records, they’ll certainly lie about vote fraud.
CNN would be a good purchase for some conservative/patriotic-minded people that want to get a good honest news operation going.
Or, for an operation already existing. Imagine OAN getting hold of CNN with their huge reach. A lot of purging would be necessary, but the market size possibilities would be huge.
Oh boy, no wonder they’re having a fire sale!