Posted on 10/18/2020 1:58:03 PM PDT by ransomnote
Well done.
Or in the words of the esteemed Rev Johnson: Oh Lord! Do we have the strength to pull off this mighty task in one night...or are we just jerking off?
Also Ive read that Boe Jiden prostituted him out as a pre-teen to all kinds of dark travelers on the seamy side of things, which isnt that difficult for me to entertain, given all we know.
Have not come across that tidbit. Sauce?
...thanks, but ANYONE can cut and paste. ;-)
I sent it to James Woods because I have no followers on twitter. Please anyone share.
When is Poso going to actually release something? He’s worse than Hannity Tick-Tock’s!
How do you know that its being covered up?
How do you know it’s not?
HANNITY: Rick Leventhal just reviewed the Toobin incident! What timeline are we living ?!?!?!
Imma tweet that. Cool?
I agree. One of Trump's main problems when he took office were the darn leakers. Short of covering their heads with Depends, all he had to do was find and fire them.
In this case, I believe that someone is actually practicing operational security. Once a prosecutor has a file, with a possible case to follow, the info in the file stays secure. Even tho previously I showed ya'll how many people would see the info in a prosecutor's office (small county, small staff) and how much info was on my personal computer, NONE of that stuff was shared with anyone outside the office or LE. That included, much to his consternation, dear dead hubby.
So, just because that Wilson guy has the case, doesn't mean he has to blab about it.
Rudy, on the other hand, is just sharing info he found on a laptop. He has no obligation to operational security.
Stories I could tell...Unsolved Family Murder I can talk about it...but then it was an open investigation (my favorite words when it came to Freedom of Information documents requests!)
Any quakes in china yet?
Yup. Poso been threatening his drop for abt 3 days now
Got me watchin a lotta OANN
None that I’ve taken particular note of aside from the continued rumblings from Hunter + PedoJoe&Jill’s office!
They are all a big mess and I’m not wasting too many tears for Hunter, only in the sense that he was probably very, very badly abused when he was a boy.
“Repurposing a well-known personal allusion intended given your screen name.”
Maybe you can turn that into a gif. Have it rotate to the right about 10 deg, then go back to the top, then 10 deg right... you get my drift....
Damn @JeffreyToobin— O.J. Simpson (@TheRealOJ32) October 20, 2020
Give credit to, not me. I just found it there and spread the joy.
No do-overs for POTUS.
OJ wearing a shirt with the EGA on it ??? neither of his kids is a Marine.
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