It appears I had you to rights from the beginning
You just think you know me. You’re nowhere close.
You remember we had a civil war before...I thought they stopped teaching history. OK maybe you went to high school 20 years ago...yes it was bad, but today’s dumbasses seem to be ill equipped to learn from it. Instead they want to erase our history and repeat it.
I’m not enthused about another one, I’m scared actually. But I don’t ignore the evidence right under my nose. It is already started. We’re just not yet to the point of open firefights. I don’t think it will be too long though, immediately after the election if it takes that long. But it definitely is started.
You think I give BLM and Antifa too much credit? Nope. They have enough clout from somewhere to get their so called leaders interviewed on TV. They have enough power to cause thousands of people to riot in the streets, burn down buildings, use laser pointers to blind cops, steal millions in merchandise, throw molotov cocktails at police...and the organization and logistics to have people drop off caches of bricks, rocks, frozen water bottles and bats in specific places before the riots start.
Try to put just one together like that, think it all through and see if you think a ragtag group of nobodies with no financial backing or organizational capabilities could pull it off. No, I don’t give them too much credit, you give them to little. Or maybe you refuse to admit just what a serious threat we’re facing. Someone out there can put a riot together, and actually make it happen, in less than 24 hours. That scares me. Someone oout there is good enough at propaganda to get these people to believe them and follow them into a riot....that scares me.
How wold YOU get several busloads of people violent enough to willing to start a riot to another state, weapons and projectiles handy they can trow, everythng they need to make molotov cocktails, just how do you notify that many people with less than 12 hours notice? In Kenosha, they were rioting in 12 hours or so.
You’re talking about some serious planning and coordination. Don’t tell me I’m overestimating them or giving them too much credit. From what I see so far, I may not be giving them enough credit.
What am I wasting my time with you for anyway? You are just like the bonehead I had to deal with a couple of weeks ago, started an argument just to start an argument. Butt in on a discussion with someone else where you have no business and start an argument just to argue.
Now just go away...actually I guess you could be the same dumbass, I can’t remember the user name idiots are just that memorable. Couple of days and you’re forgotten...
Go away.