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Whack - A - Mole continues.
Eliminating the middlemen, AKA Benefit Managers, and the “rebate scam” is a good start. Now let’s make it illegal for anyone with interest in a “healthcare provider” to serve on the Board of Directors of a pharmaceutical company. Then make sure drugs that are created using Federal $$$$ via grants, public university research, etc are DISCOUNTED in the USA, not jacked up so we pay twice.
Yet another swamp that needs draining.
Kinda like trump said: “this should have been done a long time ago”
Cutting out the unnecessary unknown middleman is a perfect example of why the DS & MSM hate trump.
It’s not the twitter. It’s not his toxic masculinity.
What it is is trump is exposing the corrupt crooks for what they are & turning off the tap on all the money they have been ripping off from the tax paying citizens.
Party’s over.
That’s why they hate him
“Kickbacks to middlemen,” AKA rebates.
Vendors in all industries use them as incentives to marketers to sell their products.
But calling them “kickbacks” sounds so much more sinister.
Killing all the hyper-regulation in the pharmaceutical industry would actually accomplish the intended goal.