I hope it doesnt take 3 years to indict these rioting pukes who have been arrested on federal charges.
Well, the 3 year delay re the coup has to do with a blockade created by Comey and Rosenstein wherein they conspired to seize control of the documents needed to investigate the coup. By creating a false Russia hoax, documents related to the hoax could not be acquired for use in a REAL investigation. By creating a false investigation against Sessions, Comey forced him to recuse or the DS would create a “constitutional crisis” by claiming Trump was using Sessions to violate the law in order to protect himself.
With Sessions recused, no decent patriot had access to the documents needed to prove that Rosenstein HAD to recuse himself because he signed one of the corrupt FISA warrants. With Comey protecting his knowledge, Rosenstein didn’t recuse himself and together they all held documents needed for a legitimate investigation of the coup to go forward.
But, investigations have been ongoing outside held documents. Standard procedures move slowly but must be followed to avoid the Deep Staters like Pelosi from claiming a “rush to judgement hit job!” against the deep state traitors.
SO then Covid-19 is being used by some to avoid testifying or cooperating with hearings. (Hillary, Brennan, Clapper) etc. That’s why Covid-19 fakery continues despite proof that it’s all a lie. They HAVE to try to keep the gov. locked down to stay out of court. Meadows is signalling that ruse has fallen and it can’t get up.
Wray also continued the coverup.
“Well, the 3 year delay re the coup has to do with a blockade created by Comey and Rosenstein wherein they conspired to seize control of the documents needed to investigate the coup.”
Great point. And documents are still being hidden, FOIA requests ignored or redacted to the point of being useless, and stalling for more time is the standard operating procedure. We need a Rick Grinell-type individual to break the cover-up and release all of the pertinent documents without redactions.
Comey worked for Sessions, not the other way around. It was up to Sessions to determine if Comey's investigation had merit before recusing himself.
...or the DS would create a constitutional crisis by claiming Trump was using Sessions to violate the law in order to protect himself.
The Deep State has created fake constitutional crises every step of the way for the last three and one-half years, regardless. As the AG, you do what's right, and you don't act out of fear of some bogus constitutional crisis.
You can't win that way.
From your keyboard....!