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To: Whenifhow; null and void; aragorn; EnigmaticAnomaly; kalee; Kale; 2ndDivisionVet; azishot; ...
3 posted on
07/19/2020 10:32:05 AM PDT by
(Let justice be done though the heavens fall - Fiat justitia ruat caelum)
To: ransomnote
Indictments imminent? Woah. Slow down a minute. Let’s not rush into anything prematurely.
To: ransomnote
To: ransomnote
How long till the executions start ? Yes, I am going there.
8 posted on
07/19/2020 10:36:57 AM PDT by
(I hope they suffer)
To: ransomnote
I hope it doesn’t take 3 years to indict these rioting pukes who have been arrested on federal charges.
10 posted on
07/19/2020 10:38:33 AM PDT by
(invictus maneo)
To: ransomnote
To: ransomnote
There will be arrests in 24 business hours.
13 posted on
07/19/2020 10:40:53 AM PDT by
Veggie Todd
(Voltaire: "Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool".)
To: ransomnote
It will happen in dew time....when the dew settles in the plains of Hell.
To: ransomnote
Nothing like a good laugh on a Sunday morning! Barr doing his job. LOL
15 posted on
07/19/2020 10:41:08 AM PDT by
(thinks he needs a gal whose name doesn't end in ".jpg")
To: ransomnote
16 posted on
07/19/2020 10:41:16 AM PDT by
("Let them hate so long as they fear" (Oderint Dum Metuant), Lucius Accius (170 BC - 86 BC))
To: ransomnote
Correct answer.
Time for talking is over.
Now Do it.
Do it. No excuses.
Do it. No delays.
Do it. Now.
20 posted on
07/19/2020 10:44:23 AM PDT by
(Masters don't want slaves talking about masters and slaves.)
To: ransomnote
Normally I’d be a bit skeptical but if Sources Close To The Investigation have said so, well, there you are and there you have it.
To: ransomnote
To: ransomnote
I’m still waiting for Hillary’s Whitewater indictments to drop.
To: ransomnote
Sometimes I wonder if there isn’t more FLeepers than FReepers around here any more.
27 posted on
07/19/2020 10:46:57 AM PDT by
Pilgrim's Progress
( D)
To: ransomnote
One of the best things about indictments is that the Deep Staters who ran this thing will be told by their attorneys to stop talking. That cuts off the blood money they make on CNN, MSNBC and the like.
To: ransomnote
“I think the American people are expecting indictments,”
That’s an understatement.
We have been stonewalled for three years.
31 posted on
07/19/2020 10:48:57 AM PDT by
(Natural Born Citizens Are Born Here of Citizen Parents|Know Islam, No Peace-No Islam, Know Peace)
To: ransomnote
I like Meadows, but this is more sludge reporting:
“about to”
“appears to”
“ready to”
But you notice they never DO it.
32 posted on
07/19/2020 10:50:25 AM PDT by
("Castles made of sand, fall in the sea . . . eventually" (Hendrix))
To: ransomnote
Politics, politics, politics.
It will happen a couple weeks to a month before the elections.
I hope..
33 posted on
07/19/2020 10:52:25 AM PDT by
To: ransomnote
Nice to see Lucy teeing up the football.
35 posted on
07/19/2020 10:55:25 AM PDT by
cuban leaf
(The political war playing out in every country now: Globalists vs Nationalists)
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