Im touched that you read my web page! (I actually read yours, too, before I saw your reply. I feel I know you better now.)
Truly though, its a high compliment to you that I wondered if you were paid by the deep state, because if you are its extremely hard to tell.
Not that you are.
In other words, if I did think you were deep state, I would have thought you were top level, nothing less. See?
But not being deep state, you would therefore necessarily be top level of whatever you are in reality.
If you want me to stop posting to you, I will. And you can have the last word. Just remember, if you pay me a compliment I wont be able to thank you because Ive already promised to stop posting to you.
But you probably wouldnt want to at this point, seeing how I spoke to you earlier. I cant think of any good excuse. Humbly, I apologize.
That's one heck of a word salad you just tossed RiF.
If you want me to stop posting to you, I will.
Thank you.