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To: WildHighlander57
does it authorize use of the armed forces to do law enforcement?

I read the act re: FEMA which is the primary agency for disaster and emergency response. 192 pages. No law enforcement activity reference at all for the military. Can use the military for 10 days for cleanup.

Outside of IRA, Title 10 forces are typically deployed only after the President declares a Federal emergency or disaster under the Stafford Act or Insurrection Act.

So, absent a Martial Law declaration, it appears the only way to get around the prohibitions of Posse Comitatus is invoking the Insurrection Act. The use of Delta Force as described would be legally prohibited unless there is a 'secret' way to invoke the IA, since the focus of Posse Comitatus is to prevent the use of the Army for these purposes.

308 posted on 06/24/2020 10:36:40 AM PDT by xone
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To: xone; greeneyes; TEXOKIE; peteypupperdoo

Ping to xone’s reading of the Stafford Act.

320 posted on 06/24/2020 11:07:59 AM PDT by WildHighlander57 ((WildHighlander57 returning after lurking since 2000)
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To: xone

What could be so bad here that we would need Delta to take care of it?

327 posted on 06/24/2020 11:19:53 AM PDT by wastedyears (The left would kill every single one of us and our families if they knew they could get away with it)
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To: xone
So, absent a Martial Law declaration, it appears the only way to get around the prohibitions of Posse Comitatus is invoking the Insurrection Act. The use of Delta Force as described would be legally prohibited unless there is a ‘secret’ way to invoke the IA, since the focus of Posse Comitatus is to prevent the use of the Army for these purposes.
That's the conclusion I came to after a short bit of research, but I was hoping there was something that I hadn't run across yet.

A question I have, considering the Patriot Act and whatever has been added since then, what if Al Queda or some other international terrorist group is here and acting as agent provocateurs on USA soil-ie battleground becomes USA soil instead of Middle East—is there any loop hole that would allow any sort of military involvement in action against these as part of the war on terror?

I have a vague recollection of articles being written warning that Obama had made USA a battleground or something about he could now use drones to target anyone in USA?

I haven't kept up on this sort of legislation, but I've been assuming that martial law would have to be declared. Although, I was thinking about Waco, was there some sort of military involvement there —or was that just LSM hyperventilation?

394 posted on 06/24/2020 1:18:35 PM PDT by greeneyes ( Moderation In Pursuit of Justice is NO Virtue--LET FREEDOM RING)
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