“Peas are almost a foot high but no sign of flowers.”
My shelling peas and Sweet Pea flowers are really lagging this season. I thought cool and rainy would make them happy - but now we’re going to go straight into the 80’s, so now I’m thinking I should’ve planted them in the snow and semi-frozen ground back in March!
It’s in the mid 80’s here so I intentionally planted them in the shade last month. It was too cold to plant them before but our weather goes straight to summer all of a sudden too. They always get fried before they can make. I started them in little Jiffy pellets and planted them along a shady fence that my daughter and I added chicken wire to.
I did plant some of mine in the partly-frozen ground back in March. They’re lagging the same as the others.
My cowpeas just started to emerge from the soil.