KANGAROO COURT: Judge Sullivan appoints retired judge to represent the deep state and argue against D_J and Flynn’s counsel so he can proceed to sentencing.
Judge Sullivan appoints retired judge to represent the deep state and argue against D_J and Flynns counsel so he can proceed to sentencing.
Since D_J refuses to prosecute, what difference will the other judge or other jurists make, other than the usual Dem practice of throwing anything and everything in the air to confuse voters, and keep their troops in line.
Yes, you *can* break judicial immunity: the actions have to be so egregious that they cease to be a legitimate judicial function. There were a pair of judges in Pennsylvania imprisoned for falsely sentencing minors and removing them from their families to the care of several group homes or such, where the judges received literal kickbacks from the operators of the group homes.
Even thought it won’t pass, the House needs to introduce an impeachment motion against Sullivan tomorrow.