1. Is Kozak going to post less than 1000 supposedly died of CV yesterday (a new low). Numbers are low on Sunday relative to Monday but this is still a good thing that deaths attributed to CV are falling.
It is indeed.
Why did fall?
Because we took extraordinary, painful action to flatten the curve.
No thanks to Flubros.
Watch the numbers climb if people act like idiots in the coming weeks.
:: if people act like idiots ::
You keep using that word.
I don’t it means what you think it means.
-Inigo Montoya
Unnecessary Flattening the curve techniques make it more likely that more seniors will die over the next year, and it will cause more economic hardship. A herd immunity based on primarily the healthy getting exposed to CV seems like the best way to ensure a lower death count.
Serious questions, Gonads:
Have you stayed home, worn a mask, washed your hands and properly avoided all persons in range when you took the chance to go out?
If you are confident you followed all the safety rules, did you catch the Rona virus?
If you didn’t catch the virus because of your prophylactic practices, are you confident that you would test negative for the Rona?
If you test negative for the Rona, are you afraid that you might acquire it sometime in the future and become sick?
Will this fear cause you to continue your prophylactic practices until your death or until you test positive?
If you test positive in the future, what will be your after-action assessment of your prophylactic practices; were they effective and should you continue them?
Except there is no data to support lock downs and there is no surge in opening states.
Dont let facts get in your way.