Don’t we jus wuv Hillalee?
The Hillary Nickname List
All of these I have seen in print. I didn’t make any of them up.
1. ‘illary
2. D*uche
3. Jebette
4. Killery
5. Kruella DHillary
6. Ancient Shrew
7. Auntie Christ
8. B**** of Benghazi
9. BIAPS (Bill in a pantsuit)
10. Bigfoot
11. Bigfoots fat sister
12. Bigfoot’s ugly sister
13. Bills dishonest 2/3s
14. Bill’s Hill
15. Billiary
16. BJs wife
17. Brain Dead Harpy
18. Bitchlary Clinton
19. Butcheress of Benghazi
20. Cacklebeats
21. Cankles
22. CCIAPS (Crooked Criminal In A Pants Suit)
23. Chubble Cheeks
24. Cloven hoofed pig monster.
25. Coughing Crook
26. Crooked Hillary
27. Crusty (Like the alcoholic clown on the Simpsons)
28. Countess Dracula
29. Deceptive Doyen
30. Dinglebillary
31. Dumbo
32. Elephant legged One
33. Empress of the Galaxy (In her own mind)
34. Every mans ex-wife
36. Fainting Felon
37. Fat Bottomed Girl/Wench/Bitch
38. Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit
39. Fetid Female Felon
40. Frankenhill
41. Fraulein Irma Bunt
42. Grand High Bitch (The)
43. Granny Benghazi
44. Grand Chancellor of Neptune -I dont understand this one
45. Granny Pickels
46. Grasping Grifter
47. Her Darkness
48. Her Exalted Cankleness
49. Her of whom we do not speak (From the movie The Village)
50. Her Thighness
51. Her Heinousness
52. Her Royal Drunkenness
53. Herpes Rodham Clinton
54. Herself
55. Hildo
56. Hilabitch
57. Hiladevil
58. Hiladog
59. Hildahog
60. HilaKraken
61. Hilaliar
62. Hillapickels
63. Hilathighs
64. Hillareah
65. HiLIARy
66. Hilarious Rotten Criminal
67. Hillary Rob-Them Clinton
68. Hillarhea
69. Hilawhale
70. Hilawitch
71. Hillary Rotten Clinton
72. Hillary Rottenhams Clintoon
73. Hildabutchbitch
74. Hilabeans
75. Hildabeast
76. Hilolita
77. Hitlery
78. Horking Hillary
79. H*****y
80. Jabba the Hillary
81. Queen of the Harpies
82. Lady Lucifer
83. Ma Butcher
84. Madame Benghazi, the Cold & Joyless (a personal favorite)
85. Madame Bobble Head
86. Madame Heinous
87. Matriarch of the Clinton Crime Family
88. Miss Fort Marcy Park
89. Miss Whitewater 1982
90. Monster In A Pantsuit
91. Mr. Clinton
92. Mr. and Mrs. Stainmaker
93. Mrs. Clintdog
94. Mrs. Haversham
95. Mrs. Hubble
96. Mrs. Shameless
97. Mrs. William J. Clinton
98. Mrs. Ed Zackly
99. National Ex-Wife
100. Nurse Wretched
101. Overthehillary
102. Pantayit
103. Pantsquatch
104. Pantsuit Piggy
105. Pantsuit Princess
106. Phlegm Fatale
107. PIAPS (Actually The PIAPS)
108. Piano Legs
109. Pickels
110. Prevaricating Petunia
111. Princea Paintsuit
112. SIAPS (Stalin or Satan in a Pants Suit)
113. SWMNBP (She who must never be president)
114. Satans Prom Queen (A personal favorite)
115. Seig Heillary
116. Seth Richs Nightmare
117. Shitllary
118. Shrillary
119. Sideshow Blob
120. Sir Edmund
121. Smartest woman in her own mind
122. Spawn of Satan or just Spawn
123. Swamp Snake Queen
124. The Cankles Queen
125. The Crookedest Clinton
126. The Crooked lying Old Bitch
127. The Devils daughter
128. The Devils Mistress
129. The Devils Liege Lord
130. The Felon
131. The Harridan
132. The ISIS Queen
133. The Great White Whale
134. The last person to see Vince Foster alive
135. The least self-aware woman in the world
136. The phlegm from hell
137. The Pickle Queen
138. The putrid puppet
139. The Other Woman
140. The Venomous Harridan
141. The Whore of Islam
142. The wife of Monica Lewinskis boyfriend
143. The Screech
144. Thunder Thighs
145. Ubershrew
146. Uranium Saleswoman of the Century
147. Vamhillary
148. Vince Fosters Murderer
149. Wicked Witch of Little Rock