RE: Even if Coronavirus is as bad as some think giving up our freedom and liberty to reduce the death toll is not worth it.
Yep, this is exactly the kind of attitude that will cause the infections to spike and death rates to rise further.
Your attitude is similar to that New Hampshire infected man ( the live free or die state ) who, despite being tested positive and asked to self-quarantine, CONTINUED to go out and socialize, visiting ball games and parties.
Freedom also assumes people will exercise CIVIC MINDEDNESS. Infected people with your attitude will result in the death and sickness of more than needed.
Yes if it’s a choice of my liberty and the possibility of infecting your 85 year old 50 year smoker grandmother with a version of the flu...I’m picking me over your grandmother. It’s sad that the “guys who pee sitting down” are driving this debate on this hype machine.
If every car and truck on the roads had a top speed of 15 mph far fewer people would die in car accidents.
We’ve made a decision as a society to allow higher speeds in the interest of societal efficiency.
Everyone can’t hide in their homes for a year, or there won’t be a country left.
Mainstream and social media needs to be reined in from the promotion of panic, or the world’s financial system is going to crash.
It’s a cost/benefit situation.
So everyone stays locked up for three weeks -- except the bums of course who will continue to crap up and down Market Street in San Francisco... -- then what?
We're about to learn a hard lesson -- we're about to go through the breakdown of our society's infrastructure and the societal framework ... that the fear and panic created by the media, the medical "experts" and by those on social media who can't wait to spread the latest fear-inducing reports is far, incredibly far more a problem than is this flu.
I can paint a far greater reason for hysteria and panic than does this flu. How about when the hysteria coupled with the increasingly popular "forced lockdowns" remedy cause the electrical grid to go out and natural gas and propane to stop flowing because technicians are not allowed out of their homes or rendered scared schiff-less to venture out? Or how about when the water treatment plants and the wastewater treatment plants shut down because of the fear of catching this flu ... what then?
I was hoping President Trump's efforts would provide a measure of perspective ... of sanity. But the herd appears headed for a stampede of epic proportions. Can it be stopped before far more people suffer and die from the results than would suffer and die from this flu? I predict we'll soon find out.