What’s happening in Italy has little or no chance to happen here for one reason all the people in Italy are old. Reason two they have a gazillion Chinese living there. Reason three their healthcare isn’t as good as ours. but feel free to continue to be hysterical.
Imma be at Twisted Taco for lunch tomorrow making merry and drinking a low quality house cab with my best friend. Then imma come home, wash my hands,take a shot of colloidal silver and a shot of elderberry tinture just in case I came into contact with one of the ten or so people in the whole state of GA that have corona virus.
And, Canada has closed its borders to foreigners.
And six different casinos in Las Vegas are closing through *May*.
And, the President had another news conference in the last hour or so.
He's recommending that all food courts and restaurants be closed, and no gatherings of 10 or more people *anywhere*.
But you know better because *smug*.
*Laughs*. I just told YOU about the Chinese in Italy.
Have a couple more mint juleps, it won’t make any difference to your posting quality at this point.