Also found this nugget:
“Although adaptations in secondary or human hosts may be required for epidemic emergence, if SHC014 spikecontaining viruses recombined with virulent CoV backbones (circles with green outlines), then epidemic disease may be the result in humans.”
Now, who provided the “SHC014 spike” that they were using in these experiments, the spike that they found could produce an “epidemic disease” in humans?
“Z.-L.S. provided SHC014 spike sequences and plasmids”
Z.-L.S. is Zhengli-Li Shi from the Wuhan Insitute of Virology, who discovered that SARS originated from bats in 2005 and was on the Chinese team that isolated the novel coronavirus as cause of the outbreak in 2020.
Yikes. BKMK, even though I had the impression I already knew the circumstance, I’d forgotten the name.