I bought a Berkeythe question for me was how many sets of filters do I pick up.
Having owned a berkey for some 20 years...a set of filters will last more than a few years. But if you have one set of filters (two) you should be set for this year and next and the year after. I think the forumula is 3K gallons per filter. Two filters good for 6K gallons. Figure making three gallons a day for example and you will be good for a long time...
Hope that helps...
That’s what I figured.
I have six kids, and an estranged wife about five blocks away who has the communal Berkey, as well as a couple of sets of back up filters in the basement.
We also live in a small town (about 1200, though I expect that if things turn bad there is going to be a huge initial die off as it is mostly elderly) so it may not be just me.
Firewood is a bigger concern.
Thanks for the filter longevity info.
We have two sets of two.