Men had more receptors than women, Caucasian / Asiatic were comparable, any one who ever smoked got kicked in the nads.
Oh, just noted mine wasn't published either, but a nice larger sample set.
Also, this new coronavirus may use other receptors besides ACE2:
A *CHINESE* source backed up by the French confirm the significance of, though not the origin of, those amino acid sequences the Indian researchers talked about.
When looking at the genome sequence of the new coronavirus, Professor Ruan Jishou and his team at Nankai University in Tianjin found a section of mutated genes that did not exist in Sars, but were similar to those found in HIV and Ebola.
Instead of hooking up to the ACE2 receptor, the novel coronavirus has a cleavage site on the spike. This tricks something called the furin enzyme, on human cells, to cleave the spike at that point allowing the viral membrane and the human cells membrane to join, effectuating the entry of the virus into the cell.
Guess which viruses actively have their own Furin? Ebola and AIDS.
Guess which viruses DONT have anything like this?
The mutation could not be found in Sars, Mers or Bat-CoVRaTG13, a bat coronavirus that was considered the original source of the new coronavirus with 96 per cent similarity in genes, it said.
Remember confirmed by the French, too, Chinese source.
Meanwhile, a study by French scientist Etienne Decroly at Aix-Marseille University, which was published in the scientific journal Antiviral Research on February 10, also found a furin-like cleavage site that is absent in similar coronaviruses.
Here's a list of possible cofactors I came up with awhile ago:
1) Genetics, # of ACE2 receptors.
2) Smoking. Half the worlds smokers are in China
3) Cumulative damage to lungs from air pollution in China
4) General hygiene
5) Viral load > see hygiene and also social distancing. Its possible the body can fight of a small number of virus particles, but get too many at once, your body cant get them all.
6) Medical care: I read China has 1 doctor (or, had, some have died), for every 22,000 people. In the US its 1 doctor for 1,500.
7) Medical care: degree of training and facilities for patients
8) Medical care part 2: Wuhan got overwhelmed, that couldnt have helped.
9) Medical care part 3: political pressures, many in Wuhan just got sent home from the hospital and infected others in their homes
10) disease progression: this coronavirus is said to resemble dengue fever, in which re-infection can occur once the body has cleared the virus. The 2nd infection is unusually nasty, and can result in damage to multiple organ systems or sudden death from cardiac arrest
11) disease progression 2: supposedly, some of the coronaviruses have the disquieting trait, that a vaccination for one, makes subsequent infection with another coronavirus much worse. Supposedly China mass-vaccinated some of its people for SARS (which was another coronavirus)
12) disease progression 3: the virus can incubate for up to 27 days. Since we really dont know when patient 0 in China first got infected, we dont know how long it takes for asymptomatic people to start dying: that is, there may be a hidden population of sick in Iran and Italy, if not other places, and theyll suddenly start showing up in ICUs and morgues. So the low count right now out of China is not a *certain* indicator.
13) Just maybe, it was a bioweapon. If (as rumors based on a true story go), China stole it from Canada, or North Carolina, maybe it was a disease aimed at Chinese people (see ACE2 inhibitors again), and China got careless or their world-famous (*cough*) quality control let it loose, even if they were only looking for a vaccine for it.
14) I have read articles that say the virus is one amino acid substitution away from becoing much MORE tightly bonded to the ACE2 inhibitor. Oh goody. Because coronaviruses are RNA viruses, and dont have the high-quality mistranscription-checkers that DNA-based things they mutate more quickly.
Mexico confirms fifth case of coronavirus
By REUTERS MARCH 1, 2020 22:38
A young woman tested positive for coronavirus in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas, state health authorities said on Sunday, marking the country’s fifth case.
Like another woman who tested positive for the virus in the northern Mexican state of Coahuila, the woman in Chiapas was studying in Milan, Italy. The woman tested positive for the virus on Saturday but is ***asymptomatic*** state health authorities said in a press conference.
Grey, I appreciate the time you put into helping me understand by providing research. But my objection posted here was limited to the text that he posted - it was wrong. I didn’t want to see the same sentence, which is faulty, used to back 20% infection.
I myself just checked on Asian susceptibility to respond to someone else and see the article I found was Chinese. Now, I’m not suggesting that every bit of info from China is wrong, but they are our enemies and if they are purging their population of protesters, I’m not accepting their demographics and cure rates etc. Research is more likely to be accurate because it can be peer researched world wide. And as I said, it was “early reports” so I have said in another post, I’ll stop posting Asians more susceptible until I see better data, which in this case is “more current” and “validated internationally.”
I will continue to contradict faulty statements like the one I posted about to DouglasKC but I don’t have time to spend on the Corona thread. I wasn’t taking on the entire thread re the research you are doing here - the thread he posted was deleted before I clicked “Post” so I replied to him here.
My post to DouglasKC here brought me 11 responses in addition to his ( and climbing at a time when I’m not keeping up on the other thread so I don’t have time to respond to all the other available data you peeps are sharing - just pointing to flawed data and asking it not be spread, while myself agreeing not to post “Asians more susceptible” unless i come across better data. Thank you, Grey. :)