To: stars & stripes forever
Get the quote correct. You and your ilk are the tyrants Jefferson referred to.
(See tagline)
1,118 posted on
02/11/2020 7:38:24 AM PST by
("The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots and tyrants.")
To: TexasPatriot1
Uhhh, context.
S&S4E is an innocent bystander.
1,123 posted on
02/11/2020 7:41:12 AM PST by
(Men: We live one day at a time and scratch where it itches.)
To: TexasPatriot1
QUOTE: "He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." ~ Martin Luther KingYou and your ilk are the tyrants Jefferson referred to.
Like him or not, the Martin Luther King quote I posted is Biblical. It was hijacked by the likes of the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Alan Sharpton.
Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will stand for me against those who practice iniquity? ~ PSALM 94:16.
To: TexasPatriot1
Get the quote correct. You and your ilk are the tyrants Jefferson referred to. The DEMOCRATS built their party on twisted truth, and half of the dummied down electorate cannot discern the difference.
To: TexasPatriot1
Get the quote correct. You and your ilk are the tyrants Jefferson referred to. The DEMOCRATS built their party on twisted truth, and half of the dummied down electorate cannot discern the difference.
To: TexasPatriot1
You were replying to Biden I presumed.
That’s okay.
His mind is yesterday’s mush.
1,239 posted on
02/11/2020 2:19:50 PM PST by
(A government afraid of its citizens should be afraid.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson