Oh, come off it! You really think these SNOWFLAKE MILLENNIAL girls are church attenders? My guess is theyve been relieved of their phones by this point. Theyre already in the process of doing photo shooting, but it hasnt progressed to the requiring porn stage quite so quickly, but Id bet their purses are not on them. "By the way, cell phones are not allowed in the studio."
You are still not grasping the fact that this unsophisticated and likely not-too-bright girl, who has most probably just had her eighteenth birthday, is now a stranger in a strange land.
"Nearest church"? In a motel strip, or an industrial area where porn studios do their productions? Where are these girls going to find a "nearest church? Youve got to be kidding me. "Nearest cop? This is Southern California, DesertRhino. There aint no such thing as a "nearest cop," unless shes extremely lucky to run into a patrol car by accident.
Porn production is legal there, unless the girl is under age. . . It will be a "she said, he said," or even a "she said, she said," civil matter because theres no contract except what she was told orally over a phone call to get her there. If she already signed the "contract" its even more of a civil matter. . . and the lawyers these sleeves have who write those contracts were very sharp.
It took a civil suit, which is what this lawsuit and article was about, to find they signed not freely, but under coercion.
The girls were plied with alcohol and drugs. In one case the hotel door was barricaded. One girl flew to San Diego on her 18th birthday and filmed her sex scene the following day.
About halfway through the verdict posted in post 1, they give accounts of each of the 22 Jane Does.
These guys took a bizarrely cruel fascination with publicly doxxing these girls as soon as possible. In many cases, almost immediately after filming, the girls found hard core scenes emailed through social media to friends, family, employers, on Facebook pages etc. The men had their real names and contact info.
So not only did they lie that their identities would never be found out, they took the necessary steps to ensure exactly this would happen!