“Quote please?”
My post 264 contained several deliberately preposterous statements, including these three in succession:
“war took on a high moral purpose: as He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free.
“President Lincoln announced slavery in the Confederate States had become ungodly, but that slavery in the United States would remain godly.
“Therefore, troops from the Union slave state of Delaware fought in the Confederate slave state of North Carolina to free the slaves.”
Thank you for calling attention to this kind of wrongheaded thinking which is often used to distract from Lincoln’s war upon the concept of consent of the governed.
You mean lies?
Confederates were eager to start, declare and wage war against the United States, especially in states which refused to secede -- so much for Confederate "consent of the governed."
After the war, "consent of the governed" means consent of law abiding voters, which every Confederate denied being.
Fortunately in those secession states were millions of other voters eager to elect their own representatives, and so the republic was able to continue without the former Confederates.