Not certain if you’re being cute or serious.
Tell me after you research the term I suggested though please.
Hunny, is the pressure of the day getting to you? The House, the Senate, that stupid Graham?? Lemme tell you how cheezed off I am, and then perhaps this can all be put in perscpective. (I will leave out the whole stage 4 cancer/family/holidays carp). Before 2016, I never said the word “pussy”. It was verboten in our house, even for cats! Never knew why till I was a teenager. So, just never used it and considered its use vulgar.
Now, however, when it comes to Senorita Graham, I think the word “pussy” fits very well. THAT”S how grumpy I am! That wuss doesn’t want to have witnesses, he doesn’t want us to get anywhere near his nefarious dealings with NoName and Ukraine. He’ll let the President get covered in cat shit, just as long as Pussy doesn’t get any bribery litter dust on him.
Whew, that almost feels better!
Perhaps both, and I understand exactly what you’re talking about. It’s been going on for decades.