Prayers. Keep up the good work, Morgana. Amazing stuff. The Lord loves each person from conception to beyond. My guess is that 95% of the people conclude that life begins at conception and does not begin at 3 months or 6 months after conception. PP is fighting a losing battle.
I remember the night of the Gosnell trial like it was yesterday. I remember when he was found guilty, I shouted “GUILTY!” so loud friends who were in my basement heard me and one of them wondered “what?”. One of my friends had to say “Oh she’s following a trial the man must have been found guilty”.
Now here we are again and hoping and praying our people are found innocent. Our prayers made Planned parenthood’s lawyers mess up big time and helped our side get the videos in court which in turn made the doctors have to testify to what they had done. Now everyone needs to pray hard the jury finds them innocent and is now hard core pro life like the Gosnell jury became.