Not everyone is the same. It seems to me SD has made a thoughtful judgment about her life. Why the need to ‘correct?’
Thank you!
** Why the need to correct?**
My wife was triggered by the humorous photo depicting the man doing nothing, while the woman (with no smile) is caring for the kids. We have boxes of photos taken of my wife and our sons. In some you could probably detect that she was tired, but the smile, to varying degrees is always there. Now 62, she calls those years the best of her life. (And mine as well.)
People (yes, most often the wife) quite often put careers on hold or change careers in order to be parents. Putting having children on hold is something where the window of opportunity is not nearly as long. That she and I both have school friends, and relatives, who chose career over family, has given us ringside seat of sorts to witness how empty their lives are at middle/retirement age. It is not uncommon to notice the forced smiles on their faces at gatherings. My wife offered an opinion from experience. It is that simple.
As far as careers go, modifications are quite often possible. Rather than end my farming career at a young 27, I chose to struggle through the disaster that Jimmy Carter put on many farmers. I found off the farm work to help the farm survive. My wife could have pushed the kids off on her mother to finish an RN degree she put on hold to become mother. We survived and have a family, including grandchildren. I’m 65 and have hs classmates that are already great grandparents.
Real life is people (Souls, God’s creation, not the temporal things that mankind makes).
Disclaimer (of sorts, lol): My wife is not a member of any social media. If I’m in the same room, I sometimes tell her what I seeing on FR, and once in a great while, even years, has either asked me to comment for her, or she has made the comment herself.