Of course, no personal responsibility. The fact hat she is 22, I guess means that she is still a child nowadays.
I’ll be she couldn’t read the warnings given to her by the pharmacist not to consume alcohol. She probably had no awareness and saw no tv ads or knew of anyone her age that overdosed. She doesn’t have primary responsibility.
How about the friends that she partied with, you know the ones that encouraged her to drink alcohol. Nope, not responsible. The article says that prescription meds were found in her system. Was she actually prescribed these meds? I don’t know. So, maybe a “friend” gave them to her or she “stole” them. No matter, they’re not responsible.
I know who’s to blame. It’s the doctor aka as the opioid witch or demon. Let’s follow the breadcrumbs back to him. We know where he lives and works and it’s a lot easier to blame him instead of the hallowed granddaughter of RFK, her drug dealers or drinking buddies.
If she was legitimately prescribed all of these meds simultaneously, lord knows what issues she had...
I didn’t think it needed the /s tab. It was pretty clear.
How dumb and weak do you have to be not to be able to survive until 23 years of age?