Yes .... We believe in the Godhead of The Father, Jesus Christ his son, and the Holy Ghost. We do not believe in the Nicene/Apostolic or Athenasian Creeds.
But as a Creed believer, yourself, .... you believe that God, Christ and the Holy Ghost are merely three ‘persona’ of one individual God.
Consequently, a Creed/Trinitarian Christian believes that Jesus Christ prayed to himself in the Garden of Gethsamane.
Also .... Trinitarians do not like the verse “God created Man in his own image”, since the Human equivalent of the Trinitarian God would be someone with a schizophrenia multiple personality disorder.
We gentiles are agents of Satan, but you guys still believe in One GOD as your three witnesses have told as well as your Book of Mormon
You have to go to sleep at night with your own history nagging at you
Have a nice eternity on level 2