Incompetent school staff and police. Why in the world would they arrest a 6 year old for tantrum?! This is idiotic. All of the involved staff and police should be fired immediately!!!
Why in the world would they arrest a six year old for a tantrum? Because the idiotic parents and voters in the district created a situation where the district cannot simply expel unruly children.
Not sure what to do, but tell that to the thousands of teachers getting beaten every day in screwels all over our country. They are told not to touch the little darlings or they'll get fired and have trouble getting teaching jobs.
I know of a teacher of "special" students who has been ruthlessly beaten, kicked, and had things thrown at her over the past years, and the administration won't do a damn thing about it.
The little brat should have been dragged down to the principal's office and left there with whoever is in charge. My heart goes out to the teachers of these stinking brats no matter how old they are.