Snakes, like any wildlife, tend to overpopulate at times. Rattlesnakes have few natural predators here in PA. For quite some time they were considered endangered and were protected. Now, the snake population is on the rise and the protections are still in place. Many times I have been told that they are part of nature and should be left alone. I laugh and tell them that the next one I come across will end up in their yard where they can protect it. Usually it is taken as offensive that I’d suggest that but, hey, if it’s ok for me, why not for thee?
Snake bite on ankle or foot, generally accident. Snake bite anywhere else, generally people being foolish.
Did you hear about the woman in a Hampton Inn who woke up with a snake on her arm!
Recent story
Here in GA it is clear that all snakes should undergo a thorough background check, while not violating their PETA rights.
I did my best Carl Lewis impersonation and jumped the divider and ran 30 feet past where the blighter was.
Another hiker saw another water moccasin a week later on a trail 1/2 mile further north from the river.
so yeah, I'm guessing the spring flooding along the Mississippi river region was doing a number on them.
I have a hunting lease in S. Georgia that I go to about every 3 weeks to fill feeders and such. Timber rattlers are common but the last couple time out there not one snake, well love snake that is. I’m sure now that I mentioned it I’ll encounter them next go around.
If you are in snake country it’s a really good idea to invest in some good snake boots, snake shot for your sidearm and some really good situational awareness.
Yeh, duh, its summer.