Lots of lefties are hopeless. But I’ve been trying a new technique that gets better results with the non-stupid variety. Ask and listen. (Yeah, I’m not good at resisting the urge to tell, but I try to at least hold back for a while!).
Sample Ask: Are you willing to let factcheck tell you what is true or have you tried looking for a video on youtube? (still sounds a bit snarky, but depends on my relationship with the person as to how much I can get away with)
If it’s someone I care about, I’ll try to lead them gently to the truth. If the person seems incapable of learning, I try to avoid talking with them at all. Though you’d be surprised. One of the most far left people I know has turned conservative! He voted for 0vomit twice but now is (mostly) a Trump fan. I’ve told him about Q and I think he’s mostly on the fence with that, but the important thing is that he “gets it” about the Deep State and leftwing participation in it. It didn’t hurt that I admitted I was wrong about no name and GHWB and probably GWB, too.
Yeah I have gotten MUCH better at planting a seed with the right questions about something they already think to get friends/people I am talking to face to face, to think for themselves and just leaving it there until they get back to me. Sometimes it has been months later and they are fully awake! Pretty cool...
Recently I had a couple days off and went and played on twitter and just called out people using fake or wrong stuff trolling Trump on his tweets and got into a few conversations with some of them... or others that responded.
Just keep it respectful and hammer them with the truth, proving their points wrong a few times and they stop. I know I will never change most minds I am arguing with, but maybe somebody else will see it and start the wake up process. Funny how many have to get into personal attacks when you show them they are wrong, so have to have a thick skin and be ready to be called an idiot or a fool. Trump is right, Trolling can be a whole lot of fun, especially trolling the trolls!