PG&E in northern CA is conducting black outs during high wind because that way their electrical lines won’t cause wild fires.
Nothing but idiots running the government in CA.
Black outs for Californians because environmentalists in state government block clearing of vegetation around power lines and the updating of old, decaying power line infrastructure.
Yeah, we are going to have 115 F temps this summer and the electric co will just shut off our power and leave us helpless to prevent fires (to prevent lawsuits against them). Imagine, all our freezers full of food gone, our elderly and babies getting sick from the heat, etc.
For the illegals and homeless, being in CA is a net gain for their life efforts. For hard working middle class, CA is a definite net loss.
Nothing but idiots running the government in CA.
Yes, but it is not just California.
Deregulation of electricity was a fad in government in the 1990s. Thing is that it was not really true deregulation. It was deregulation of generation but not distribution.
Without going into a lot of detail it led to pricing of electricity so low that what was common maintenance of transmission lines right of ways became a thing that was neglected as a cost saving measure.
The picture above is how a transmission line right of way should be maintained. But that has become the exception. With the forest growth kept down away from the lines, line sag caused by higher demand during heat waves can be tolerated and wind does not propose a danger of fires.
But lower electricity prices enforced by government means that such maintenance can not be afforded when you are talking about transmission lines that stretch through hundreds of miles of wooded mountainsides.
We had ‘wind’ 50 years ago and there weren’t rolling blackout in California then... Is the ‘wind’ different now?