Yeah, we are going to have 115 F temps this summer and the electric co will just shut off our power and leave us helpless to prevent fires (to prevent lawsuits against them). Imagine, all our freezers full of food gone, our elderly and babies getting sick from the heat, etc.
For the illegals and homeless, being in CA is a net gain for their life efforts. For hard working middle class, CA is a definite net loss.
PG&E has to do something. If you have an answer call your new Gov.
I understand, my entire family lives in northern CA and they can’t stand their own gov’t.
Giving illegal aliens from the ages of 19-25 has really set them off.
But CA just keeps voting them in.
Imagine, all our freezers full of food gone, our elderly and babies getting sick from the heat, etc.
It happened here when we had power: