They’ll “say” thty thought they were “contributing to the school” for admitting their daughter.....but they got bigger
They were engaged in money laundering.
The bribes for admittance were not paid directly to the school.....they were “washed” through a phony “do-good” foundation, listed as “donations.”
The bribers now have tax problems b/c they listed the bribe as a charitable donation to the fake foundation
They even got written letters in return that said, Thank you for your generous donation.
To make the bribes appear legitimate they received receipts falsely indicating that no goods or services were
exchanged for their supposed donations to the foundation, according to authorities.
Loughlin and her husband allegedly hid their payments in two $200,000 wire transfers to the charity to get their daughters into USC.
There’s the not insignificant matter of taxes......and using the US mail to facilitate the fraud also comes with legal do wire-transfers.
There is a big difference between writing a $500K check to a college to buy a spot at the front of the admission line and writing a $500K check to a third party to change SAT results, fake an athletic scholarship, and otherwise fraudulently get your kid to the front of the line.
The problem is $500K will not buy you a spot at the front of a top tier college admission line anymore. It would cost several million dollars to buy off USC. What is a poor rich liberal who is not a politician supposed to do?