1 posted on
05/04/2019 8:26:13 PM PDT by
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To: simpson96
Her job is to sit on them?
2 posted on
05/04/2019 8:27:02 PM PDT by
(The Clinton Coup attempt was a worse attack on the USA than was 9/11)
To: simpson96
She might be OK as VP of Bacon Cheeseburgers
Only in the modern Democrat party does losing and whining like a spoiled brat make you a “rising star”
3 posted on
05/04/2019 8:28:32 PM PDT by
(Trust Trump. Trust the Plan.)
To: simpson96
In other news, Hitler put Himmler in charge of dealing with Jewish crimes against Germany.
4 posted on
05/04/2019 8:30:22 PM PDT by
(Stop Tolerating The Intolerant.)
To: simpson96
An Administration full of losers, then? Andrew Gillum as Sec of State?
5 posted on
05/04/2019 8:30:38 PM PDT by
( Hail to the Chief, bitches!)
To: simpson96
Georgia had record turnout in the last cycle, so clearly the Republicans did a crappy job of voter suppression. But the Dem Big Lie otherwise rolls on.
6 posted on
05/04/2019 8:31:11 PM PDT by
(Islam delenda est)
To: simpson96
The fake Irish Hispanic be clowns himself more everyday...
7 posted on
05/04/2019 8:31:12 PM PDT by
To: simpson96
Dopey and Goofy for President and VP.
8 posted on
05/04/2019 8:32:06 PM PDT by
To: simpson96
Must be fun being an American black and having white people line up to kiss your ass every 4 years
9 posted on
05/04/2019 8:32:09 PM PDT by
To: simpson96
To: simpson96
Lunatics love and support other lunatics .
11 posted on
05/04/2019 8:33:17 PM PDT by
hal ogen
(First Amendment or Reeducation Camp?)
To: simpson96
Does this mean he won’t be eating chicken with Sharpton?
To: simpson96
15 posted on
05/04/2019 8:37:25 PM PDT by
(This is the age of the death of reason.)
To: simpson96
16 posted on
05/04/2019 8:38:27 PM PDT by
(Been there. Done that.)
To: simpson96
Beto. Runs for Texas Senate seat and loses.
Then he decides to run for President.
17 posted on
05/04/2019 8:38:32 PM PDT by
Texas resident
(Democrats=Enemy of People of The United States of America)
To: simpson96
Beta sure knows how to pander.
21 posted on
05/04/2019 8:43:25 PM PDT by
To: simpson96
well in the unlikely event that beto the mexican irish whatever he is wins, she can start with california and illinois where they are suppressing the votes by not allowing Donald Trump the President on the ballots!
22 posted on
05/04/2019 8:44:11 PM PDT by
To: simpson96
He should put her in charge of pancakes.
To: All
That seems a little like racial pandering to me
Shouldn’t the fake mexican and real ‘no borders’ advocate, Roberto 0. Roarkuez put a fake American like Jorge Ramos in charge of making sure there is no suppression of voting by illegal aliens?
To: simpson96
Irish Bob would probably go after one of the Daley boys to enhance voter suppression.
To: simpson96
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