To: little jeremiah; bitt
Debrief complete
Missiles launched against Israel
653 posted on
03/14/2019 12:38:02 PM PDT by
(Catastrophic, Anthropogenic Climate Alterations: The acronym explains the science.)
To: Cletus.D.Yokel
Clue for the literal minded?
655 posted on
03/14/2019 12:38:55 PM PDT by
little jeremiah
(When we do not punish evildoers we are ripping the foundations of justice from future generations)
To: Cletus.D.Yokel
FF but still can unleash a disaster. To quote my favorite Anon...’these people are evil.’
657 posted on
03/14/2019 12:39:21 PM PDT by
(The Silent Majority STILL Stands With TRUMP! WWG1WGA) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson