I’m sure the liberals are just shocked that this could happen. But it was predictable.
The liberals may never learn, that imposing taxes or other regulations, causes people to change their behavior.
Ocasio-Cortez and her lackeys may well come up with projections showing that they will raise “X” amount of tax revenue by going to the 70% tax rate on high incomes. But in the real world, if that were implemented, they would be shocked to learn that due to changes in behavior, that the tax revenue didn’t materialize.
But yet I bet they allocated that perceived tax money on some liberal cause and then are mad that it didn’t come to fruition.
Learn?? Outside of the $$ lost, the Left only care about one thing: CONTROL.
The plantation voters will continue to vote ‘em in (maj. race based) and the ‘opposition’ will continue to sit on their thumbs and be ineffective, mute eunuchs.