Many years ago, SDS/Weatherman leader Mark Rudd set up an organization in New Mexico roughly entitled the SW Project. Apparently they set about “colonizing” New Mexico with fellow Marxists and leftists, esp. in Albuquerque, like other reds (Dellinger, Webb, Froines) did in Vermont.
My son took his federal police training down there and he said that every one of his instructors had a “kill” (of a criminal). That’s how bad the city had become.
Add into this the “Tijerina” movement of “irredentist pro-Mexico activists” (similar to La Raza and Atzlan Marxist organizations) and its successors, including the Democratic Socialists of America.
Then you have psycho-Mexicanists like Rep. Grivjalva (D-NM), anyone named Lujan, Castro, Richardson, etc.
They are like a red plague of locust swarming over lands and covering them with crap and Marxism.
“...anyone named Lujan, ...”
I think name goes back to the conquistadors era.