My wife passed from ovarian cancer a year and a half ago. Prior to that we were only part a total of 10 days. One was a temporary assignment while I was in the military, and the other was a week where my daughter took her on a trip to California to see her sister.
I still miss her after 42 years of marriage.
I have occasionally said that the worse day of my life will be the day when he is taken from me.
Someone said that the parting is only temporary and that is true but it will still be horrible.
The love of 42 years doesn’t pass in a year and a half. Thankfully it wasn’t the other way around! My wife cried every day for two years after her dad passed away at a young age. I cried a couple of times after my dad passed away at a young age. Both of us did it the right way. For us.
Good luck in the future years.
Neil Young, “A man needs a maid”
A song about love lost, fear of being left alone, etc.
I am so sorry to hear that :( ...I hope that one day soon you find happiness again. It’s a hard road...