Re: Fulford
What is the general opinion of this guy? I ask because my licensing agent sent me a link to his site a year ago when I told him I was preoccupied with Q. Some of the commenters seem a little out there.
Not familiar with him (Fulford), just posted his comments because they looked interesting.
I don’t have much faith in his statements. Like you said - “OUT THERE”. Entertaining sure. JMHO
Nevertheless, it is wise to keep in mind, it was the most flaky, fringe groups who were FIRST, and MOST ACCURATE in describing who Hitler was, what he would become and do.
One, however, MUST be discerning and sift & sort carefully what fringe sources offer as their constructions on 'reality.'
Puzzle pieces abound massively in this extremely complex era.
There is a human compulsion--extreme given some psychodynamics for many people--a compulsion to shove things into arbitrary starkly binary categories whether they truly fit, or not.
Holding a vast array of complex, often contradictory or seemingly contradictory puzzle pieces LOOSELY can be essential in the trek toward truth and greater understanding of 'objective' reality.
I say "objective" because scientific experiements have demonstrated that there is NO "objective" reality--even in physics.
One mark of wisdom and maturity is the CAPACITY TO HANDLE AMBIGUITY--even contradiction--comfortably, constructively, patiently.
Just because one's personal psychology COMPELLINGLY DEMANDS within a given individual that said individual virtually always QUICKLY SHOVE EVERY data point and puzzle piece into binary categories does NOT = objective reality, necessarily, if at all.
YES, "GOOD/BAD" is a VERY useful SUPER-ORDINATE CONSTRUCT a la George Kelly & his role-construct work.
No individual or tribe has ever been discovered to use more than 26 constructs in their lives. And MOST use only 3-7 or so MOST of the time.
Constructs are bi-polar concepts which channel our apprehension, perceptions, handling of ALL REALITY.
I just want to encourage patience in sorting through the huge number of very complex puzzle pieces we are all considering as we try to make sense out of the extremely complex world Trump is leading our navigation through.
We do well to avoid overly arbitrary and compulsive, knee-jerk shoving of things into very limited and dysfunctional categories.
They may APPEAR to fit.
We may NEED them to fit.
A cast of thousands may insist that they DO fit.
Yet, they may foundationally fail to fit--but that may not be obvious for some time to come.
Certainly it is reasonable to hypothesize this or that categorization of the countless puzzle pieces. We cannot navigate life without having useful categories to filter perception, decision-making and acting thereon as we manage life.
Without categories, we'd all be immobilized as though confronted with 3 dimensional "TV SNOW" noise where nothing was evidently more or less important than anything else.
AND, those of us who tend to form the MOST PRACTICAL & USEFUL hypotheses--tend to do best at navigating life--at predicting results of our choices and actions; at predicting the behavior of others in our spheres of influence & social networks.
POTUS & the Q-TEAM are brilliantly masterful in helping us form useful hypotheses about the horrendously complex realities arrayed before our perceptions.
Visit your therapist.
Take a walk.
Pet the dog or cat.
Have a V-8.
Exercise more.
Do your hobby.
Discuss with a wise, trustworthy friend.
Paint a pic.
Write a song.
Whittle a stick.
Hug a child or elder or friend.
Write a thoughtful letter.
Lobby a politico.
Red-pill your social network.
It is NOT easy.
Life is NOT for wimps.
If you need a teddy bear, some play dough & a safe place--go find such and sit in the corner & quiver.
AVOID becoming part of the problem, please.
This is SURVIVAL of our Republic, our way of life, our values, our lives, our families, our children & grand children. This is NOT merely liking vanilla or chocolate.
We simply CANNOT AFFORD to become overly weary in well doing. It's simply not a wise or functional option.
We must encourage one another;
lovingly exhort one another;
care for & support one another;
trigger redemptive behavior in one another;
strengthen one another;
have fun with one another;
pray for one another . . .
Avoid unnecessary fratricide. We are on the same side.
Yeah, so what--some of us are or sound clueless on occasion. It's part of the human condition. None of us escape regardless of what our pride may tell us.
Humility is always in order.
Let us learn and grow on. Pick up the pieces, reconfigure, re-hypothesize and go on.
Abidingly, we can know that to support TRUMP and the Q-team are VERY REDEMPTIVE, vital, life saving, Republic saving . . . things to do. They are worth doing. They are essential to do.
We CAN focus on the higher priorities and lay the smaller priorities aside--at least temporarily.
The fact that he called Prime Minister Netanyahu a satanic murderer is reason enough to ask the MODERATOR to delete the post. FRAUD.