From the Qwivvering Masses side...
Warthog porn!
Anyone else get a message from Google about their Google+ API platform?
An interesting read, it is.
Seems their API platform was “unintentionally coded” to obtain unrequested profile info from users AND users friends.
They fixed it and no unintended info was used/viewed. No harm done, right?
It sounded like social-networking scouring algorithm to me; a way to create info on an existing social connection, a network mining bot.
Nowhere in their apology-text did they say that all “inadvertent” info-mining data was scrubbed from their Google+ database. I’m sure they’re getting right on that.
I’d post this over on the Qwivvering Masses forum but, it would probably get locked.
Had I known that some day girls would be allowed to fly planes..... oh if only!