Thursday, 3 January:
The Holidays are over, the new congress is sworn in and now the real fun begins.
For the better part of the last two years, the Trump administration has toyed with the opposition which was thoroughly rejected after 24 years of globalist, ‘America Last’ rule. The table was set; the powers that be and their allies in the media had the people prepared.
Or so they thought.
The 45th president had different ideas, and has spent the last 24 months elucidating them to the whole world. Gone were notions of endless wars, restrictions on basic freedoms, diminished job opportunities and the inevitable slide to second or third world status.
Instead, the exact opposite occurred.
This was not in the plan. The world had different ideas; they quite liked the United States as their farm and source of military protection. Not to mention the hundreds of billions drained from the US taxpayers to fill their coffers.
All of this was stopped dead in it’s tracks.
The worldwide consortium, realized here by the so-called ‘deep state’ did what all empires under threat do. They struck back. Using the unlimited funds stolen from the people during the zero percent ‘quantitative easing’ period, they literally bought the House.
In Orange County California the GOP candidate for governor won by 9%, it wasn’t close. Yet every congressional candidate lost. Tech billionaires like Tom Steyr pumped millions in these contests; getting homeless and even illegal aliens ‘ballot harvesting’ to run the table.
In contrast, one GOP candidate in N Carolina did the same thing, and the media behaved like it was the sin of the century.
Of course California changed it’s electoral laws to allow this prostitution of democratic vote.
So now, they have sworn in their bought cabal. The tens of billions netted them a 40 seat margin, and they are feeling all fat and sassy.
This is the ultimate illusion.
In fact, it couldn’t be a better scenario for this audacious commander in chief. This ‘victory’ by the progressive movement, could be the pyrrhic victory of all time. So far, by using both the Art of the Deal and the Art of War, he has succeeded in having the opposition define itself.
You see, he knows them. Knows who, and what, they are.
On the other hand they think him a simpleton, a buffoon. ‘Orange Man Bad’, more or less. This mistake is huge, defining and fatal.
It’s why no matter what spin you hear from the media the man is still winning. The government shutdown is not only in his interests but he’s planned for this for months. The government will continue to run smoothly; so far the occasional plugged toilet in a National Park is the only story the media can dig up.
The essential services will continue.
Oh, and the vast majority of the 900,000 workers laid off are Democrats. The whole area around DC is populated by highly paid bureaucrats who vote big government at every opportunity.
They are decidedly not happy about not being paid over a dispute over border security with Mexico, and are letting their representatives know it, too.
Yet incoming speaker for the Dems and her caucus think they have won some earth changing battle. That somehow the public is demanding a return to the slow decline the last four presidents brought about.
More urban decay like the water situation in Flint Michigan, perhaps. Or burgeoning homeless populations in Seattle or San Francisco. Throw in sanctuary cities for good measure. Does anyone really think there is a demand for this?
Or to send our 19 year olds to be blown to bits by someone in the Middle East? Just to protect the oil supplies to Europe, or even worse guarantee a healthy crop of Poppies in Afghanistan?
We are somehow ‘abandoning our traditional allies’.
As the saying goes: ‘with friends like this’, well, you know the rest. Germany pays nothing, really, their NATO contributions do NOT go to operational readiness, yet they negotiate with the Russians to buy their natural gas.
This is what is being sold to the American people.
Fortunately, never fear. Trump is here. With associates, of course. Not a one man show, you know. That said, he is sitting in the ultimate catbird seat right now. The opposition, blinded by their hate, thinks they have some sort of upper hand now.
They don’t. As a matter of fact this whole situation favors him and he knows it.
Why is there a shutdown in the first place? Over a needed barrier on the southern border? The same people have ZERO problem defending the Iran/Syria border. How does one square THAT circle?
The longer this drags on the more they have to defend that which is indefensible. Not to mention all of those GS-13’s at HHS not getting their $95 grand.
Lost in all this commotion was the Wednesday press conference the president had. Laying on the table in front of him was a simulated movie poster with a photo of Trump on it. It said, simply, ‘Sanctions are coming’.
Devotees of the Qanon universe caught on immediately. Sanctions on Iran? Most surely.
However, ‘sanctions’ has another meaning as well. From Wiki:
Sanctions (law), penalties imposed by courts
Dual meanings abound in the Trumpian universe. There are all of those sealed indictments, you know. Not to mention hard evidence of malfeasance by the previous administration.
So, to all who believe that the opposition, with it’s glued together mob of bought dogs in the House can somehow put their derailed train back on the tracks, well, good luck with that.
To others, those far more aware, they know that the fun is just beginning, and are ready to enjoy the ride. 2019 will be very interesting, indeed.
One thing is for sure. President Donald J Trump isn’t going away anytime soon, and for that we all will be grateful. Just for the sheer exhilaration of watching them squirm when the light of truth shines upon them.
It’s gonna be a good year no matter what they try to do to stop it...
Thanks for posting that. Great connecting of the dots there.
(But that fellow really needs an editor.)
Wonderful LJ...greatly bolsters my wishful thinking. Thank you
I agree with most of your post except for this part. Maybe if the shutdown drags on for months but if it's only weeks they're fine with that. For them its just a paid vacation. They sit on their "non-essential" personnel butts and get their back pay when they return to 'work'.