To: Pete from Shawnee Mission
I think you're talking about the original video of the first moonwalk as displayed at Honeysuckle Creek, Australia, where it was first received. Because of a different scan rate for displays used at the time, in order to broadcast the EVA live in the US over the networks, they had to point another video camera with the standard scan rate at the TV display in Australia, and that was why the broadcast quality was not particularly great. The original videotape from Honeysuckle Creek was likely taped over. I don't think that has anything to do with the nutters who claim the whole Apollo program was faked. Nobody at the time thought it was faked, for that matter. For them, no amount of evidence is enough.
To: Freedom4US
The erased tape was a shame. And yes, they walked on the moon. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson