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To: ransomnote; StormFlag; TEXOKIE; CPT Clay; buffaloguy; grey_whiskers; Wingy; bitt; Shady; ...


There were eighty bajillion Q posts today, and a Q and A. This is gonna ge a looong Oracle. Let's see what stories the Oracle is following.

  • Let's start off with some light humor.

    bitt- Migrant group demands Trump let them in or pay $50G to turn around

    mairdie-Some Caravan Migrants Demand Entry Or $50K Each to Leave


    Members of the “Honduran Migrant Caravan” marched to the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana on Tuesday and delivered a letter directed to President Donald Trump, demanding entry into the United States or $50,000 each to return home. They also requested the removal of military installations in Honduras.


    Los juevos en este pinche mojados, verdad?

  •, the Oracle's go-to Q post site, hit a new world record today. It busted right through the 200k qlass ceiling, and hit 221k. Next stop, 250k.

  • The snivelling, crying, rat, Michael Cohen, was sentenced. In order to lighten his time in lock-up, it seems he wants to go all John Dean on the Donald.

    mairdie Cohen Weeps in Court – Sentenced to 36 Months


    Cohen wept as he begged the judge to give him no jail time. He threw Trump under the bus and said it was his ‘blind loyalty‘ that led him to cover up the President’s “dirty deeds,” CNBC reported.

    No word on whether he soiled his panties.

    mairdie- Cohen Will Work with Mueller for Next Three Months Before Heading to the Slammer

  • Now for some follow-up reportage on the Trump/Pelosi/Shumer jamboree at the White House yesterday.

    bitt-Trump sprang three traps on Pelosi and Schumer yesterday


    President Trump clearly shocked House speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer yesterday with his televising of the Oval Office sit-down over his demand for $5 billion in funding for border security, including funding of critical mileage for his border wall.

    Is the cat toying with the mice?

    Iscool-Army Corps starts preconstruction work on border wall


    The Army Corps of Engineers has started drilling and testing soil samples along the U.S.–Mexico border as part of the preparation for wall construction, according to The New York Times.

    A nice take on the event (with movies).

    EMI Guy-Chuck 'n Nancy Get Shlonged.


    Invite them to the WH for some "tea" so to speak. They both think they're king-chit now since the GOPee lost the House, and their egos are inflated to 200 PSI at this point. Both are so full of themselves that any notion of this perhaps being a trap will be quickly disregarded. After all, they still haven't figured out how The Man operates, and Lord only knows how pusillanimous the Repubs have been going on forever.

    Another good write-up on the ownage.

    mairdie-The Shlonging.


    At that meeting on Tuesday morning, the two of them got skunked.

    And now, the video of the portion of the meeting that the derp media doesn't want you to see.

    (Not for bigg red/naughty content/beware)

    bitt-Poltics As It Really Is.

  • Reportage on General Mike Flynn.

    Submitted by AMorePerfectUnion.

    upsdriver- Judge Sentencing General Flynn Demands to See FBI 302 Documents on Flynn Interview

    Judge Sullivan, who is assigned to General Flynn’s case is demanding to see the FBI summary 302 report about the ambush Flynn interview according to a new court filing. Counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok showed up to the White House on January 24th, 2017 along with Special Agent Joe Pientka to interview General Flynn; the meeting was arranged by former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

    mairdie-Hold the Phone on Flynn Sentencing – Judge Emmet Sullivan Has Questions…


    Interesting, very interesting. As noted in the Flynn sentencing memo last night there were some curiously framed explanations of events surrounding his FBI inquisition.

    Now Judge Emmet Sullivan wants expanded information, and wishes to see the actual notes (FD-302) that were mentioned by Flynn; and Judge Sullivan is directing the special counsel to provide all documents created by the FBI surrounding the Flynn interview:

    The Court's minute order is at the link.

    And now, let's see about those thirty plus Q posts, shall we?


Australian Cardinal George Pell Found Guilty of Sexual Abuse




[Cardinal Pell]
Dark to LIGHT.

[Cardinal Pell] was convicted in Australia of molesting two choir boys. The news and his name, for some reason, were supressed, but the internet, social media, and Q have mentioned it [DARK TO LIGHT].

Some on this thread believe the [Cardinal] to be not guilty, depite the verdict.


Trolling the FAKE NEWS Media is FUN!

At the link, is a tweet from "Trump Hotels, Chicago", along with a video. You must watch it to understand upcoming posts. A fun Christmas game has begun.

The tweet;

All aboard the #GingerbreadExpress

Take a behind-the-scenes look at the transformation of our TrumpChicago elevator #TrumpSweetRide

Here's a tweet that KitJ found on the world wide web of the Trump Hotel elevator;

Notice the stocking he'sholdging?

An easy primer on the post;


After hours of jolly good Christmas fun trying to cipher out what letters were on the stocking, this came in from ace reporter, KitJ;

Notice the T for Trump is next to the Q for Q, and followed by the K for KEK (haha, my guess on KEK).

But wait.There's more.


T & Q Christmas Stockings Placed Side-by-Side at Trump Hotel Chicago

Q reposts his last, then this;

T & Q placed together.
What a coincidence.
The More You Know…

T = Trump

Q - Q

Submitted by AMorePerfectUnion-

And look what our very own weaponized autist, Red Badger, figured out all on his very own.

Notice that the ‘Q’ is an ‘O’ with a piece of ‘TAPE’ added!

This will become important later. Great job, Red Badger!

But wait. There's more.


POTUS Mimics Anon's Tweet About Building the Wall; Adds Nat Security Enabling Army Corp. Engineers
Excellent Q, VIP Patriot!
NAT SEC had to be included for reasons I'm sure you can understand.
Think Green/Red Castle.
Think MIL.
Happy Holidays!

The first tweet is;

Obama administration gave 150 billion to our enemy Iran. Exporter of terrorism. they chant death to America. But the democrats can't give Trump and the US citizens 5 billion for the wall?

Q congratulates the anon for being smart.

The second is a Trump tweet with almost the exact wording of the anon tweet. Is Qanon Baby a Trump speech-writer?

The Democrats and President Obama gave Iran 150 Billion Dollars and got nothing, but they can’t give 5 Billion Dollars for National Security and a Wall?

The Donald added,National Security to the anon's wording. Q explains that he did, and why.

Hark back to previous Q posts that explain that, for National Security reasons, the President can use the military for bordersecurity AND A WALL. RED CASTLE/GREEN CASTLE, the original wall funding plan.


Cardinal George Pell 3rd in Command at Vatican

Anon writes;

He was the vatican treasurer I'm sure that carries some weight.

Q says;

#3 in the pecking order.
Define 'pecking' [animals].

Anon explains that Cardinal Pell, convicted child molestor, was the Vatican Treasurer, an insinuation that perhaps that is why the media blackout on naming him or discussing his conviction.

Q says that he was the number 3 in the "pecking order" of the Catholic church.

One theory on the "pecking order/animals" riddle may be found in the Urban Dictionary.

Keep in mind that chickens are animals. And they peck.

Urban Dictionary - Chicken Hawk.


1. Older male who seeks the company or favours of an younger male. The term has homosexual overtones.

This interpretation is solely the property of the Oracle editorial staff, and is not guaranteed to be accurate. It is also not intended to cast aspersions on the Catholic Church of it's members in any way.

And it may not even be accurate. But it makes sense.


A Little Holiday Fun for the Fake News Media

How many names start w/ a 'Q'?
What are the odds of a 'Q' stocking?
What are the odds of a 'Q' stocking next to a 'T' stocking?
How many stockings in total?
How many letters used?
Logical thinking.
A little Holiday Fun for the FAKE NEWS media.
Think 'Elf on the Shelf'.
Can you find the next one?

Let's see. Quentin, Quinten, Quasimodo. And Qanon!

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

The odds of the Trump Hotel putting a Q stocking up as decoration are small.

There are 8 stockings and 8 letters. Some upper case, some lower case. Military/Civilian maybe?

Elf on the shelf. The little elves in the bottles signify Sessions?

But wait. There's more.


Theresa May Will Resign as UK Prime Minister Before Next General Election
'Tis the Season of Treason!

The tweet;

Tory MP says Theresa May has just told them she will resign as PM before the next general election. Some Ministers reported to be in tears inside the committee room.

That's one derp state M lettered traitor to their country down. Merkel has already elected not to run as head of her party, and may soon be out as Chancellor (rumor). Cheese-eating derp Macron is hiding in his room from the angry Yellow Vest uprising.

It's beginning to look a lot like an anti-derp Christmas. Everywhere I go.


O Made Into a Q = QO = Q+ = POTUS

Anon posted this;

And Q confirmed;

'O' made into 'Q'
More to find over time.
Happy Hunting!

Remember "Q O", the Air Force One call sign that was interpreted to signify "Q+" due to the "+" sign being located where the "O" is on a cell phone?


The "O" was turned into a "Q" on the stocking (deliberately).

Think about that for a minute. While decorating the elevator, selecting the stockings with letters on them, "O" wasn't good enough. They had to turn the "O" into a "Q".


We know, don't we? Do you know, trolls?

***Recall that the weaponized FReeQ Red Badger called this one.***

Red Badger-Winner Winner ChiQen Dinner


QAnon Bringing the Hammer of Justice for Christmas?

Anon posts this;

Santa w a hammer signed by QA.
This Christmas we want JUSTICE!

Q again confirms;

'QA' > 'QAnon' > Hammer
More to find over time.
Happy Hunting!

And the outstanding piece of FReeQ journalism/detective work .

KitJ-Another ChiQen Dinner/


Pepe the Frog: A Reference To Anons, Bakers & Meme Makers on the Chans

Anon posts this;


And Q says;

Think POTUS Tweet re: PEPE
Trolling the FAKE NEWS media IS SO MUCH FUN!

This chef works for the Trump Hotel as a chef. She spoke on the Hotel video about the Gingerbread elevator, and baked the gingerbread.

Think about this one. Somebody had to tell her to wear that frog pin. Unless you believe in coincidences. Who told her? And why?


Clinton Whistleblowers: Thursday’s Public Hearing to Reveal “Explosive” Information



A trove of documents on the Clinton Foundation alleging possible pay for play and tax evasion have been turned over to the FBI and IRS by several investigative whistleblowers, who will be testifying in an open hearing before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Thursday, according to the committee and lawmakers.

This may be taking place as I type this, with my late nalgas.

Hurry, little Bagster, hurry.


House Oversight Hearing Tomorrow on Clinton Foundation
Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein.
[RR] still overseeing SC?

Schedule for tomorrow.
Where is HUBER?

1st tweet;

(1) A #QAnon thread about U.S. Attorney John Huber, and the explosive prosecution effort he is heading, alongside DOJ IG Horowitz: in "Scope & Size" it is said to be the "biggest in history."

Q tells dirty rat (#TeamBlackHat) [RR] goodbye, AGAIN, and points out that he no longer oversees Mueller (SC).

The 2nd tweet lists the witnesses in the "Oversight of Nonprofit Organizations: A Case Study on the Clinton Foundation" hearing before the House Subcommittee on Government Operations.

Tom Fitton President

Judicial Watch

Panel One

Mr. Phillip Hackney Associate Professor of Law

University of Pittsburgh
Panel One

Mr. Lawrence W. Doyle Managing Partner

DM Income Advisors
Panel Two

Mr. John F. Moynihan Principal

JFM and Associates

Q notes that Huber is not on the witness list. This is known to him, and is why he's poining it out. The rest of his post suggests that bit things will be afoot at this hearing, despite Humber's absence.

Stay tuned.



Q is Over Target [Clinton Foundation] Fake News and Shills on the Attack

Anon writes;

And THIS must be why the shills are spewing everywhere. LOVE IT!!!

Q writes back;

FAKE NEWS attacks.
SHILL attacks.

The anon was suggesting that the trolls/shills were ramping up in response to today's testimony (Q post #2601).

Q calls that good.

(looking at you, Paladin2 and Trump The Evil Left).


House Oversight Hearing Tomorrow on Clinton Foundation

Q reposts #2601 (House hearing), then this;

What if there's another prosecutor (outside of DC) assigned by SESSIONS w/ the same mandate/authority?

Is Q talking about another prosecutor (outside of DC) other than Huber? Or Huber. This is not clear.

Some believe that there is another, surprise prosecutor assigned to the derp case. Stay tuned.


Prosecutor John Huber Will Bring SEVERE PAIN to DC

Anon writes;


Q responds, long-windedly, and squashes the anon like a bug.;

SESSIONS' forced release of name [HUBER] to House created another variable.
Use Logic.
Why would we tell you the plan if in doing so also alerts those who we are actively engaged in HUNTING?
You are witnessing, first-hand, the demise of those in power [OLD GUARD].
Those who push simply have no grasp of reality.
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics.
Emotions cloud judgement.
Emotions cloud logic.
You have more than you know.
Securing the SENATE meant EVERYTHING.
Securing the SC meant EVERYTHING.
[Avoided Z]
We, the PEOPLE.
Do you think all these attacks on 'Q' (We, the People) is simply for a person on the internet who they label as a conspiracy?
Think for yourself.
Trust yourself.
Research for yourself.
Be in control of yourself.
NEVER let someone else DRIVE YOU.
Those who try to DRIVE YOU are not your friend.

Huber is not a "head fake",but another VARIABLE that SESSIONS released (forced? hmmm). This suggests, like some believe, that there IS another, separate, and as yet undisclosed VARIABLE (STEALTH BOMBER?).

Either way, Q says that Huber will bring SEVERE PAIN to DC. Q also asks why would (he) disclose the plan to those being hunted.

THOSE WHO PUSH seems to be referring to the whiney-babies who PUSH for arrests and that SOMEBODY D0 SOMETHING. Check our thread for a couple of examples of this type (THOSE WHO PUSH)


Q again stresses that the Senate and the Supreme Court (were vital) and their bolstering [Avoided Z].

Some (like the Oracle) think that [Z] may be the "military option".

This may be a clue to what [Z] refers to.

Publius-[Avoided Z]?


"Z" was a 1969 film directed by the Marxist director Costra-Gavras based on the Lambrakis affair in Greece in the Sixties. In the film, as the Greek military is linked to the murder of Lambrakis, the military reacts by overthrowing the civilian government in a coup d'etat. <

Q ends by admonishing us AGAIN to THINK FOR (OURSELVES) to not let anybody DRIVE (US).

For, what are we, NPC derps?



Question & Answer Time


Q begins Question and Answer time. He will take questions from 8chan anons in real time, and answer them.


Q is in Control and Knows What Will Happen Next

Anon asks;

How do you know the future?

Q answers;


Trump/Q controls events, and those are the things that Q points to.


Patriot Seth Rich is Not Alive

Anon asks;

Is Seth alive?

Q answers;


Down goes one theory.


The Envelopes at the GHWB Funeral Contained Q's Promise to Counter

Badgrammaranon asks,

What were in the envelopes ???

Q answers;

Our promise to 'counter'. Q

This refers to the envelopes that the derps received, and were discussed extensively, at the Bush funeral.

No word on the WORDING of the promise, but it was enough to make low-energy Jeb shiznit in his pizants.

And we now have confirmation that the envelopes came from Trump/Q.



Q Has Plan for After Trump's Presidency

Anon asks;

Is there a plan in place for AFTER trump?

Q answers;

Yes. Q

We didn't think that Trump/Q were gonna crush the derp state worldwide and return power to the people and bring light from darkness for just eight years, did we?

Did we?



Voter ID Laws Coming in 2019 to Safeguard the 2020+ Elections

Anon asks;

Will voter fraud be exposed before January?

Q answers;

2019 push Voter ID based on verifiable intel (fraud).
2020+ safeguarded.

Not before January may be key. VERIFIABLE INTEL will bring about a push for voter i.d. laws, so Q says.

And this will safeguard the 2020 elections.

At least that's the theory.

Stay tuned on this one, sportsfans.


JFK Jr. is Not Alive

Anon asks;

Is JFK Jr alive?

Q answers;


And another theory crushed.

Psssst. Don't tell generally.


Edward Snowden is a Traitor

Anon asks;

What about Snowden?

Q answers;

Negotiating for return.
Mission to harm NSA.

Were there really #TeamSnowdenWhiteHat people still around? I thought they were extinct.

Oh, well. Another theory shattered.


Julian Assange Is Not in the USA

Anon asks;

Q is JA stateside?


This one is a personal dream crusher for the Oracle.

I've had multiple fantasies of Julian Assange (JA) being spirited out and tucked away in a Motel 6 with Federal Marshalls playing spades and ready to be brought out at just the right time.

I think I watch too many movies.

Another theory pulverized.

In Assange related news;

Ecuador court to hear appeals of Julian Assange on Wednesday.

Hey. That was yesterday.


Q&A is a Stress Test of the 8chan Infrastructure Performance

Added server(s)/bandwidth improved performance.

Additional trffic puts "stress" on 8chan board. This Q and A adds additional trqffic.

This is, besides a Q and A, a stress test of 8chan's recources. Will they pass or fail?

Stay tuned.


The US Power Grid is Safeguarded by Black Eye Technology to Contain Outages

Anon asks;

Q - Should we be prepping for some kind of shutdown?

Q answers;

Reports of 'power grid' attacks (6 mo prep) should be disregarded.
While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'.

Q suggests that America is "safeguarded" from power grid attacks by a 'Black Eye'

Here are some thoughts on what exactly that might be.

Stormflag-Thoughts on 'Black Eye'


2. Some satellites have been named Horus STARE (Space-Based Telescopes for Actionable Refinement of Ephemeris) are a series of three-unit CubeSats that will demonstrate the main elements of a new concept for tracking orbiting space debris.

STARE is a project of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. The STARE satellites are using the Boeing-built Colony II bus developed under a contract with the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).

More good stuff at link.

And another great post on possible meanings.

haffast-More Thoughts (includes article).


“The technicians “gave the Internet a black eye,” said Merle Roberson, 67, a retired Pentagon computer expert who was part of a team that helped develop the original Internet, the government’s Arpanet.”


Not a Q Proof

An anon tries to make a Q proof happen. It's not going to happen.

0 delta

Q retorts;

Not intended.
Separated by 2.

False alarm.


NSA Has Capabilities to Deal with Internet Blackout

Anon asks;

Is internet infrastructure being safeguarded to prevent shut down?

Q answers;

NSA ability to overreach hosts possible.

Q suggests that the NSA can safeguard the internet. The Oracle assumes that the opposite may also be true. Stay tuned.


Melania Trump Interview on Sean Hannity

Anon asks;

Will Flotus confirm anything on Hannity tonight?

Q answers;

Only her beauty and love of country.

Here is the lovely Melania with overtalker Sean Hannity.

Melania/Hannity Interview-Part 1.

Part 2 of the interview tomorrow (tonight).


Gold Standard Coming Back?

Anon asks;

Q: Do we have the gold?

Q answers;

Gold shall destroy FED.

Here are several complicated posts on this issue.



3) Third thought: THIS IS YUUUGE. Plus, the system is intrinsic to American power; HOWEVER, the underlying basis of this DOLLAR POWER is US control of Mideast oil. THIS IS GETTING DRAMATICALLY LESS IMPORTANT, due to shale/Fracking, and due to the impending shift to electric cars over the next decade. SO SOMETHING'S GOT TO GIVE.

Pelham-Gold Standard?


Questioning gold wouldn’t do anything to the Fed. The Fed operated under a gold standard from 1913 until 1971 when President Nixon abrogated the postwar Bretton Woods monetary agreement. The Fed had no vote in the decision to cut the dollar loose from its last link to gold, that was a Presidential decision.

Greeneyes-Money Stuff.


This executive order amended Executive Order 10289 (dated September 17, 1951)[1] by delegating to the Secretary of the Treasury the president's authority to issue silver certificates under the Thomas Amendment of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended by the Gold Reserve Act

bitt-Anon Post/Money Stuff.


Senate to Investigate Google Financials in 2019

Anon asks (kinda);

Q is talking about GOOG's 10-Q filing with the SEC. My assumption would be for their 3/31/19 or 6/30/19 10-Q filing.

Q answers;

Assumption correct.
10k YE.
2019 1 + 2 should be closely evaluated.
Help will be provided.
Senate to investigate 2019.

This goes back to yesterday's Q postings regarding Google's financials (10Q is a financial report). Q asked us to pay attention to their upcoming 10Q reports, and the anon provides the dates of those upcoming reports.

Q again says HELP WILL BE PROVIDED, and that the Senate will investigate Google in 2019.

Here are some good FReeQ posts on the issue.

Disestablishmentarian Interprets;

INTERPRETATION: Refers to GOOGLE 10K annual report and Q1 and Q2 2019 10Q Quarterly Reports. Look for collusion with China, examine the numbers for funds flowing to China.

NOTE: The Qs and Ks will not disclose insider sales of stock. That is a different report.

A Google player worth watching;

Combat Boots-Kai-Fu Lee

He’s the former CEO of Google China, among other things.


Voter Fraud in California Will Become Public

Anon asks;

Will voter fraud in CA ever be brought to light?

Q answers;

"Watch CA" was deliberate.



Earth is Not Flat

Anon asks (for a friend);

Just to shut the Flat Earthers up Q,
Is the Earth flat?

Q answers;

No. Q



Three Detention Centers Being Prepped

Anon asks;

Is Gitmo going to be used for US citizens (cabal)?

Q answers;

(3) detention centers being prepped.
Monitor funding.

Self-explanatory, again.

Gitmo and two others?

Either way, something's fidna go down.


Wizards & Warlocks are The Guardians of Intelligence

Anon asks;

Q, please tell us who or what the Wizards and Warlocks are.

Q answers;

'Guardians' of intelligence. Q

I thought we knew this one already. Now we know it again.


8Chan Infrastructure Stress Test Failed

Stress test failed.

Q and A over.

The "stress test" on 8chan resources failed.

The nerds are gonna need a bigger boat.

See you in the funny papers.

Okay, that was a job of work. Q had mercy and hasn't posted yet. Sorry about the length. Talk to Q. I dindu nuffem.

We are the Mouth of America.
Not all can hear our voice, but more do every day.
Can you hear us?

Will you join in our crusade?

The adventure continues tomorrow, sportsfans. See ya ‘round the popsicle stand. Same Q time. Same Q channel.


1,817 posted on 12/13/2018 3:40:36 PM PST by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: bagster

The War and Peace of Oracles!

Thanks to you and all you correspondents!

(Shining! Brilliant! A Magnus Opus!)

Really, thanks!

1,846 posted on 12/13/2018 4:29:59 PM PST by Pete from Shawnee Mission
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To: bagster

Whew, that made me tired just reading it. Outstanding, bags!

1,849 posted on 12/13/2018 4:32:16 PM PST by MileHi (Liberalism is an ideology of parasites, hypocrites, grievance mongers, victims, and control freaks.)
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To: bagster
The Oracle Reveals the Secret Truth About Q-World
1,854 posted on 12/13/2018 4:38:41 PM PST by Trump_the_Evil_Left (FReeper formerly known as Enchante (registered Sept. 5, 2001), back from the wild....)
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To: bagster

“I thought we knew this one already. Now we know it again.”

hahaha!! :)

1,862 posted on 12/13/2018 4:59:42 PM PST by bitt (,)
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To: bagster

Bookmarking because I did not have time to thoroughly read the entire Oracle yet.

Apparently you have been given special powers!

1,900 posted on 12/13/2018 5:48:34 PM PST by little jeremiah (When we do not punish evildoers we are ripping the foundations of justice from future generations)
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To: bagster

WOW Bags good job. That was one great synopsis. Thanks.
One for the record books.


2,006 posted on 12/13/2018 7:59:14 PM PST by Spitzensparkin1 (Arrest and deport illegal aliens. Americans demand those jobs back! MAGA!)
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To: bagster
Great job and thanks for the back to back to back to back Oracle's. As a former marathoner, I used to get lots of overuse injuries such as tendinitis and shin splints when I overdid it. Based on your recent voluminous output of data you must be experiencing lots of brain cramps and digit delirium. I recommend ice (in this case in a glass with ???) for recovery,

My brain is tired too from reading and I'm already recovering toasting you with some "Makers" over ice.

2,007 posted on 12/13/2018 7:59:26 PM PST by hillarynot (I play in Peoria)
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To: bagster
Thanks for tho Oracle Bagster.

Telling Q not to make so many posts in one day so you have less work to do going forwarrd.

2,073 posted on 12/13/2018 9:09:06 PM PST by TruthWillWin ([[[MSM]]])
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