You make no sense...Nor do you support your contentions...Show me the EMP threat Russia poses? Didn’t do it. Instead you insulted me stating I don’t know history etc...
I lived “early enough” to understand the threat of USSR—over 25 years ago...There were students at my university from Soviet block countries that were under surveillance. We all knew who they were—grad students in programming, engineering, etc...Some were escorted away in dark of the night...sort of like living The Amerikans TV show...(Wish the Chinese were being watched today, but I suspect numbers are so large, no one is watching what they are stealing like Soviet block students were watched in the 80s...)
So having lived thru the 80s I am well aware of what WAS the Soviet threat. The 80s...when we had a wonderful president who defeated the Russians...President Reagan who I voted for and saw in person—So yeah, I get that there was a Soviet threat...then, but Russia today is a shadow of what was the Soviet Union.
No I did not serve, so I don’t get your special terms...which I asked you to clarify and you didn’t... “Ivan” “properly trained to do a favor for mommy.” Thanks for showing that you are erudite and special.
Crackers vs. Hackers...Unlike you, I don’t need to prove credentials...This is not a tech forum discussing coding hacking or if you must, you want to split hairs, go ahead...
However, I actually have a degree in programming from the 1980s, plenty of coding...Assembler VAX, BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN. Oh, and I did take a fair amount of history while completing my BS.
I said Russia is not USSR. It is not USSR superpower NOW. It was in the 1980s. Projection? Hardly you brought Russia on the thread and I don’t think anyone else did...I get that you are far more savvy and learned than me, so you go right ahead and continue to focus on Russian EMP threat and Ivan and continue to think;
an EMP “is not all that bad for civilians, either.”
As for me, well President Trump realizes the threat, and so do I.
This back-and-forth has devolved, taken far too much time with no movement in either of our positions (facts help btw), and is not adding to the debate on EMPs, so I am done. Please, no more insulting unsubstantiated posts as I am not responding...