Glenn Greenwald
23m23 minutes ago
More Glenn Greenwald Retweeted Pwn All The Things
1/ One of the harms of the Trump era is the infiltration of security state officials like this - an ex-GCHQ agent - into “news analysis” as popular commentators. They are trained, professional liars. They lie because it’s what they were taught to do. This whole tweet is a lie:Glenn Greenwald added,
Pwn All The Things
Today in shit you literally couldn’t make up: Edward Snowden is now a crypto-currency bro and selling that snake-oil through ACLU
Glenn Greenwald
20m20 minutes ago
2/ Literally that whole tweet - about ACLU & Snowden - was a lie. ACLU didn’t promote bitcoin. Snowden explained - not promoted or sold - crypto-currency. Just compare this GCHQ agent’s lie to the actual article to see how false it is:
Glenn Greenwald
19m19 minutes ago
3/ But because people believe security state officials now - since they’ve been marketed as Truth Agents here to stop Trump - people assumed what he said was true & ACLU was inundated with threats to cut off donations. So they submissively deleted the tweet: all based on a lie.
Glenn Greenwald
18m18 minutes ago
4/ Most major US media outlets - beginning with CNN & MSNBC - now employ professional trained security state liars - from CIA, NSA, GCHQ, Pentagon - as “news analysts.” That’s what “state TV” is: having security state functionaries, trained in propaganda, disseminating “news”
Glenn Greenwald
16m16 minutes ago
5/ But because security state agencies re-branded themselves as #Resistance to Trump, they somehow became viewed as oracles of *truth* and wisdom. Our discourse is completely infected by their trained propaganda. Read @jackshafer on how pervasive this is:
Glenn Greenwald
14m14 minutes ago
6/ US media outlets love to accuse others - domestic competitors as well as media outlets in the countries they hate - of being “state TV.” But if your “news” is packaged, assessed & delivered by paid agents of CIA, FBI & NSA - as is true of many of them - *that* is “state TV.”
45 people? Yikes.