I at least had to show my driver’s license. Only seen a few “I Voted” stickers so far. Figure only communists would publicly display their virtue at this time.
>> Only seen a few I Voted stickers so far. Figure only communists would publicly display their virtue at this time.
Au contraire! I’m proudly wearing my “I voted” sticker.
To me “virtue signaling” is when a person makes a point of letting you know he is better than you are because he holds the “correct” (liberal) viewpoint. Voting is for both parties, and also those who belong to 3d parties or no party at all. The sticker gives you no clue as to how the person voted. (Though in my case the MAGA hat might!)
At worst, I could be accused of “acting superior” because I’m wearing a sticker that says I took the time to vote compared to someone who didn’t. But I seriously doubt that most non-voters feel ashamed or inferior to voters. A few do, but for most it’s quite the opposite. They think it’s a foolish waste of time to vote and think they are superior and “too important” to spend the time.
I see the sticker as a sign of camaraderie among fellow American/voters. Not as a putdown against anyone who can’t/doesn’t vote.