Military tribunals notwithstanding, there are a LOT of reasons that the left fought against having another conservative on the Supreme Court - and especially one so brave that they couldn’t destroy his will to fight (( FREEDOM!!!! )).
The left has relied on a number of federal agencies and laws to achieve its goals of totalitarian control over the people. EPA, NEA, OSHA, every single federal agency has gained dictatorial power, and the Supreme Court has done nothing to stop most of it. The have twisted, bent, and even ignored the constitution to give these control freaks more power, at the expense of OUR freedom.
Getting rid of the 5th member of an activist court puts up a HUGE stop sign to the left, and they don’t like that at all.
I think we can expect another tantrum or two out of them before this is all over. Probably one soon, followed by another one after they lose big in November. Their evil plan has failed.
Excellent commentary.