in the referenced sen confirm hearings 1991 & now The Honorable
SCJ Thomas was questioned by that creepy Joe Biden guy.
It starts at the 22:01 mark and then Biden goes on & on
but uses the phrase “willing vessel”
ref to Anita Hill
“Willing vessels” paid & unpaid
WOW what 2 words!!!
willing vessels!!
Avenatti & whores all willing vessels to bring down Kavanaugh
STARTS @ 22:01 mark when Biden takes over
Just finished with it and heard that part. He was so wanting for Thomas to come out and accuse Anita Hill of being in cahoots.
The Dems have lots of willing vessels. Did/do they get money out of it? Are they doing it because they want the attention? Or did/do they do it for the cause? Maybe all three.
I also believe that the Dems have willing vessels that would do A LOT more than just make accusations.