I can’t imagine how a little radioactive oil could contaminate the whole damn oceans of the world. I would think it would dissipate. In fact, there are some scientists who have said dumping our radioactive waste in the ocean is safe.
[a little radioactive oil could contaminate the whole damn oceans of the world]
Miniscule compared to the radiation being leaked from JAPAN’S nuclear reactor.
In a location several miles deep, with no currents, in non-degradable containers, maybe. At a subduction zone, where it gets recycled into the underlying magma over millions of years.
Oil, NOT radiation.
Well compared to the entire ocean, if it breaks apart, then the ocean will possibly dilute it all over the place. I do remember how the booklets for Civil Defense state that radioactive fallout from nuclear bombs decline rapidly over the course of days or even weeks. How much radioactive material got on the ship during the bomb test? If so, it seems likely that very little radioactivity from the bombs is left
perhaps its a cover story and there is some sort of property aged nuked oil has they want to study.
I have a background with radioactive materials, so I have always been interested in this.
One of the proposals I always found attractive was encasing the radioactive waste in huge bullet shaped casks, and dumping them in the area in the deep south Pacific (It has been years, but it was called something like “The Great Barren Zone” but I can’t remember now)
That area that is vast, generally devoid of many forms of sea life, and covered with an incredibly deep layer in deep water of some primordial ooze. I think it contains “Point Nemo” which is the furthest distance one can get from land anywhere on earth. It is also the earth’s largest geologically inert area.
They did some tests and when they sent some tests down in the hydrodynamically streamlined caskets, they picked up so much velocity it apparently buried itself so deeply in the ooze and sealed itself up afterwards, and the ooze was nearly electrostatic in its “clinginess” that the caskets became encased.
I thought that was a damn good idea.
Radioactive isnt the problem. They are worried about the environmental damage from the oil.
Think Exxon Valdez.
Are you kidding? Haven't you seen Godzilla vs Mothra??