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Much preparation has gone into the strategy now unfolding in D.C. The groundwork
has laid and the path to justice is almost cleared of barriers. MAGA!

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To: ransomnote; null and void; aragorn; azishot; AZ .44 MAG; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; ...
974 posted on
08/24/2018 10:54:08 AM PDT by
(It is President Trump, - not "Trump.")
To: ransomnote; oldngray; bagster; grey_whiskers; TEXOKIE; TXnMA; stylin19a; bitt; RoosterRedux; ...

LexiQonFriday, August 24, 2018
11:25 AM PDT
To explore the Qomplete up-to-date LexiQon,
Qlick on the Q iQon above.
FreeQ Associate Editors:
TexOkie, CJ Wolf, KitJ, StormFlag
51,222 WORDS!
~245 PAGES
All on One Very Long Page.
Link to List of Notable Resignations
Q Says We Should Watch
It turns out there is a very good reason why Q
is always saying to re-read the crumbs or Drops!
THEYVE CHANGED! Future DOES affect the Past!
The LexiQon needs editor FreeQs to compare sections of the
LexiQon with the referenced Q drops in the Aggregator Site used to
find anything that may have been amended by Q since the Drop was first put up.
If you can help, please Freepmail Swordmaker so a section of the LexiQon can
be assigned so no FreeQs are duplicating anothers efforts. Thanks! Swordmaker
LexiQon Index
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Symbols & Numbers
Government Officials
who have been fired, resigned,
or who are not seeking reelection
Todays revisions and additions:
- Castle: (#219, #231, #756, #963, #1473, 1038, #1077, 1078) Castle is the Secret Service code name for the Executive Mansion or the White House. Castle is also used in operations code, such as GREEN_CASTLE, RED_CASTLE, and Castle LOCK (DROP #1333, #1363) (Thanks to FreeQ TexOkie). (See Frank Castle, GREEN_CASTLE, RED_CASTLE, SS, White House).
- Frank Castle (INFO) Frank Castle is The Punisher, a Marvel Comic and Movie character, which Q has used the Punisher Logo several times in the Q Drops. The Marvel Comics entry in Marvel.Wiki explains the rationale of the basic Punisher plot line: When mobsters slayed his family, Frank Castle vowed to spend the rest of his life avenging them. Now equipped with state-of-the-art weapons, he wages a one-man war against crime as the Punisher. Castle uses his combat experience, guerrilla and urban warfare techniques, as well as detective-like skills to achieve is mission. This includes using the Mafias own tactics against them to track down and kill those responsible for the death of his family. They laugh at the law. The rich ones who buy it and twist it to their whims. The other ones, who have nothing to lose, who dont care about themselves, or other people. All the ones who think theyre above the law, or outside it, or beyond it. They know all the law is good for is to keep good people in line. And they all laugh. They laugh at the law. But they dont laugh at me. Punisher. (Thanks to FreeQ mellian).(See Castle, GREEN_CASTLE, Punisher Logo, RED_CASTLE).
- GREEN_CASTLE: (#963) GREEN_CASTLE may designate permission to begin a mission to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers whose logo is a red castle with two crenellated towers on either side of a portcullis with a gate. A green version of the castle could indicate a GO command. Both the red_castle and green_castle commands were given one right after the other in context of the Omnibus spending bill passing which included over $700 Billion in funding for the military budget. May indicate Trumps plan to use military assets to build the border wall citing national defense justification. (See Castle, Frank Castle, Punisher, RED_CASTLE).
- Punisher Logo: (#894) The Punisher is a Marvel comics and movie super hero, Frank Castle, who wears a T shirt with a logo of skull missing the lower mandible but with elongated upper teeth on black background. Adopted by Chris Kyles team of of Seal snipers in field in Afghanistan. Q has used it several times in the Q Drops. (Thanks to FreeQ mellian).(See Castle, Frank Castle, GREEN_CASTLE, RED_CASTLE).
- RED_CASTLE: (#963) RED_CASTLE may designate the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers whose logo is a red castle with two crenellated towers on either side of a portcullis with a gate.(See Castle, Frank Castle, GREEN_CASTLE, Punisher).
Revisions and Additions made In the Last LexiQon Update:
Associate Editor TexOkie has completed her editing of the G Section of the LexiQon. The results are below:
- [G-2]: (#1332) G-2 refers to the military intelligence staff of a unit in the United States Army. It is contrasted with G1 (personnel), G3 (operations), G4 (logistics) and G-5 (civil-military operations) These G sections have counterparts in other branches of the service, with the U.S. Navy using an N designation, the U.S. Air Force using the A- designation, and the Joint Staff using the J- designation. G-2 intelligence played an important role during World War II, both aiding fighting forces and in special missions such as those of T-Force and Operation Alsos. (Thanks to LexiQon editor TexOkie).
- Game(s): Q makes reference to games in various Drops throughout the Q Drops.
- Game Theory: (#60, #97, #1789 X 2) Q speaks of Game Theory four times in the drops. Game theory is the study of human conflict and cooperation within a competitive situation. In some respects, game theory is the science of strategy, or at least the optimal decision-making of independent and competing actors in a strategic setting. (Thanks to FreeQ spokeshave2).
- Game: The usage of game appears in general contexts other than the specified ones following this list of drops: (#52, #351, #355, #417, #467, #569, #572, #586, #632, #710, #714, #726, #771, #884, #885, #969, #1279, #1602, #1911).
- Game of Chess: (#351, #355, #366, #520, #523, #531, #958, #569, #959, #1275) Including Learn Chess, 4-D Chess, How about a nice game of chess? in a reference to the movie War Games, Checkmate, and Chessboard, in a reference to the most famous chess game in history from 1918 in which a game which seemed lost was won with a move that included a Queen sacrifice:
Jose Raul Capablanca v. Frank James Marshall. Julian Assange had Tweeted this game on January 12, 2018, exactly 100 years to the day it was originally played in New York. The 24th Move was White Q F3, which matched a now deleted Q Drop where Q had Q had cited Q Fox three.(Thanks to LexiQon editor TexOkie). - This global game of RISK: (#58, #151) Q only lists two players in the global game of RISK (note that both times it is in all caps), the first mention is SA, or Saudi Arabia, and the second mention is the U.S. Military. (Thanks to LexiQon editor TexOkie). (See SA, U.S. Military).
- This is not a game: (#145, #146, #287, #475, #597, #723, #798, #832, #885, #1295, #1330, #1343, #1371, #1476, #1494, #1721, #1746, #1758, #1800) The phrase This is not a game is such an important meme in the Q drops that Q repeats it twenty-two times. (Thanks to LexiQon editor TexOkie).
- Gardens: (#747, #748) Used by Q in Flowers & Gardens in reference to Learn the hidden symbolism specifically to flowers and deflowering slave children and sheep to be slaughtered. (Thanks to LexiQon editor TexOkie).
- Gayle King (#1515) CBS reporter Gayle King reported by Wikileaks to have colluded with HRC campaign and the DNC in the 2016 election. She is also an editor-at-large for O, The Oprah Magazine. King, lived in Turkey for several years as a child. She has been best friends with Oprah Winfrey since 1976. She is also a friend of Howard Stern, despite Stern and Winfreys criticisms of each other. (Thanks to LexiQon editor TexOkie).
- George Papadopoulos: (INFO) George Papadopoulos, minor Trump campaign advisor mentioned in Russian investigation with gossip. Dan Bongino opines that Papadapoulos is a key to current events unfolding. Papadapoulos is planning to sue the government. The discovery process will reveal and begin to bring down the whole wrongful scheme against Donald Trump.
- GERONIMO: (#144) Several possible meaning to Qs usage at the end of Drop #144.
- From movie, Conspiracy Theory with Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts.Geronimo is from this Movie Clip. Or possibly this Movie Clip. Gibsons character says it to Roberts as a self sacrificing love profession that he will protect her from the CIA. (Thanks to LexiQon editor TexOkie).
- Edward Snowden reported that the leader of SEAL team who took out Usama Bin Laden radioed, For God and countryGeronimo, Geronimo, Geronimo and Geronimo E.K.I.A, which means Enemy Killed >In Action. Watching the operation from inside the White House Situation Room, President Barrack Obama said simply, We got him. (Thanks to LexiQon editor TexOkie). (See Hussein, UBL).
- The simplest explanation, and the Earl of Occams favorite, is that GERONIMO! Is what parachute troops shouted as they left a perfectly good airplane to trust the vagaries of a silk parachute and the winds as they floated down into battle, often behind enemy lines.
- Goldfarb, Michael: (#1828, #1829) Co-founder with Aaron Harrison, and Matthew Continetti, in 2012, of the Washington Free Beacon website that presents news from a conservative viewpoint. It was the Beacon that first started working with FusionGPS to do background research on the sixteen or seventeen Republican presidential candidates including Donald Trump. (Thanks to LexiQon editor TexOkie). (See FusionGPS).
- Government Officials who have been fired (!), resigned (*), or who are not seeking re-election (**): (#139, #964, #1053, #1266, #1287, #1288, #1305, #1316, #1319, #1368, #1517, #1607, #1645, #1648, #1660, #1674, #1676, #1807, #1822, #1850)
- Department of Justice
- Preet Bharara * United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York.
- Rachel Brand ! Associate Attorney General No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein. (See RR, Rachel Brand)
- John Carlin ! (#1316) Assistant Attorney General Head of DOJs National Security Division (See John Carlin).
- Alex Kozinski * Federal Appeals Court Judge appointed by President Ronald Reagan, resigned amid the accusations from fifteen women he had sexually harassed them.
- David Laufman ! (#1316) Chief of Counterintelligence and Export Control Section. Involved in Hillary Clinton email investigation (See David Kaufman).
- Mary McCord ! (#1316) Acting Assistant Attorney General Acting Head of DOJs National Security Division.
- Scott Schools * Associate Deputy Attorney General. Schools was the official who recommended that FBI Assistant Director Andrew McCabe be fired.
- Sally Yates ! (#1316) Deputy Attorney General and Acting Attorney General. (See Sally Yates).
- U.S. Supreme Court:
- Justice Anthony Kennedy ** Retired effective July 1, 2018.
990 posted on
08/24/2018 11:24:46 AM PDT by
(My pistol self-identifies as an iPad, so you must accept it in gun-free zones, you hoplaphobe bigot!)
To: ransomnote
To: All
I see Q's team has been busy:
Pope Francis covered up McCarrick abuse, former US nuncio testifies (OFFICIAL TEXT)
In an extraordinary 11-page written statement (see official English text below), Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 77, claims that Pope Francis knew about strict canonical sanctions imposed on McCarrick by Pope Benedict XVI but chose to repeal them.
In his testimony, dated August 22, Archbishop Viganò, who served as apostolic nuncio in Washington D.C. from 2011-2016, states that in the late 2000s, Benedict had imposed on Cardinal McCarrick sanctions similar to those now imposed on him by Pope Francis, and that Viganò personally spoke with Francis about the gravity of McCarricks abuse soon after his election in 2013....
1,442 posted on
08/25/2018 6:30:44 PM PDT by
(To restore all things in Christ~~Appeasing evil is cowardice~~Francis is temporary. Hell is forever.)
To: ransomnote
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