If you’re going to keep your chickens as healthy pets, you might consider de-worming them occasionally. Also avoid feeding them meat scraps.
My first pet, at age 3, was a Rhode Island red hen named “Pet” (duh). Mama only let me play with the chickens because she thought I played too rough for a dog or cat. Nope, no dog or cat until I was older and could handle the responsibility.
Now chickens are fast as greased lightning and it was fun catching and tossing them down the hole in the outhouse. On a good day, I could catch several.
Of course Mama did not approve and I got my pants busted. As I sat broken hearted and crying, one of the chickens walked up and I began to pet her. Thus began a relationship that was to last until Mama sold the flock.
I still remember Mama pulling the chickens out of the outhouse and hosing them down with the water hose. I still remember running through the chicken yard bare footed. I still remember ol’ “Pet” after 70 years and wonder whatever happened to her.
And I still remember Grandma’s homemade lye soap (and the color and fragrance of bacon grease) when it came time to wash your face and hands or bathe. It killed every organism known to man back then.
Yep, mankind has come a long way since those times.
I still remember ol Pet after 70 years and wonder whatever happened to her.Do you remember that Sunday dinner in ‘66 when....?
If I had thrown chickens down the hole in the outhouse I would have my but set on fire!.................